I love you more than food (Au!Sasha Braus x Female!Oc)

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Few could deny the fact that Sasha Braus treasured food. Hell, no one knew it better than Kimmy Straus, Sasha’s best friend. They’d met long ago in grade school when Kimmy had shared her animal crackers with Sasha when the other girl had forgotten her own lunch. They’d been best friends ever since.

Unfortunately for Kimmy as time went on she realized a few things about her. Fact number one, she was smarter than Sasha by a long shot. This meant that she was placed in AP classes while Sasha was not. Fact number two, Kimmy was playing for her own team. This meant that she found her fellow females more appealing than their counterparts. Unfortunately that also meant that Kimmy’s friendship with Sasha turned into a one-way crush.

There were many good traits to Sasha, enough for Kimmy to find her appealing as a suitable partner. In fact Sasha was kind, loyal, and funny. Not to mention she always was pleased by whatever Kimmy did and was willing to stick out any project Kimmy had that day. As time passed Kimmy found it more and more difficult to keep her feelings to herself. However the only thing that stopped her from saying anything was that Kimmy was certain Sasha only loved food and nothing else.

“Hey Kim-Kim- Kimmy-Kims!” Sasha yells as she rushed to catch up with her best friend. 

Kimmy blushes but manages to push it down by the time Sasha catches up to her, “Hey Sash, what’s up?”

“I’m hungry!”

“I know.” Kimmy immediately holds out a granola bar to Sasha.

It was like this every morning. Kimmy would begin walking to school when Sasha would catch up and start complaining about how she was starving. After a few days of this Kimmy got smart and always had something on hand to give to Sasha. The thing she didn’t tell her best friend though was it was always her lunch. She knew that if Sasha found out she was giving her, her lunch that the teen would get mad.

Sasha snatches up the granola bar with wide eyes and a small bit of drool already running from the corner of her mouth, "You're the best Kimmy! I love you!"

There it was again. Those words tossed around so carelessly yet they made her heart speed up. "Y-yeah Sasha, no problem. I know how you and your stomach are."

The rest of the walk to school is pretty quiet. Sasha was munching on the granola bar happily and Kimmy was deep in thought/fantasy. She was always wondering what it would be like if she and Sasha were together. Unfortunately there was always the heartache of imagining Sasha tossing her away from a rack of lamb. 'Stupid fucking food-!'

Kimmy stops short as her thoughts cut off. Was she seriously jealous of food?

"Eh, Kimmy what's wrong?" Sasha had stopped when her best friend did.

Kimmy shakes her head, "Nothing, I think I just forgot to turn my bedroom light off earlier."

"Eh... you're so forgetful!" Sasha laughs.

Kimmy can only shake her head at that. Sasha truly was the dullest knife in the set, that was for sure. By the time they make it to school Sasha is already whining about being hungry again. Kimmy just puts an arm over her shoulders and steers her into class. Settling down in the desk next to Sasha, Kimmy sighs and prepares for class to start. More than likely though she would end up watching Sasha, as always. 


"Neh, Kimmy... come on, tell me what's wrong?" Sasha asks. It had been about two weeks now and Kimmy was not acting like she usually did.

Kimmy looks up from her book and shrugs, "It's nothing really, I'm just tired." She ends her sentence with a sigh before shutting her book and standing up to go home.

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