We're Even (Reiner Braun x Oc)

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Kimmy Strohmetz was a person who had an extreme passion for two things: Titan Killing and Reiner Braun. From a young age the woman had found her true calling in exterminating titans. She was good at it and others praised her for it. However never in her wildest dreams did Kimmy expect to actually be a titan; namely a titan shifter. 

It happened just after the Battle of Trost and Eren's powers being discovered. Kimmy had figured out exactly what she was when she was helping Squad Leader Hanji research Eren's powers. She had been smacked out of the way by Titan Eren and before she knew what happened she was being pulled out of the back of a titan's neck. Since that day she'd kept her secret under tight wraps, swearing Hanji to secrecy and agreeing to work with her during night seminars. Still, despite a lot of changes taking place she was still as clumsy as ever.

As it was right now, Kimmy was having to do chores just like any other cadet. She was put on cleaning duty inside, dusting and sweeping floors alongside Reiner Braun. At first Kimmy felt like she was going to pass out from excitement but now she was just nervous. She honestly didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of her crush. Of course, she was a fool anyways considering she couldn't really even talk to him.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Reiner asks as he comes over, a rag tossed over his shoulder.

Kimmy blushes, "Uhm... well... is there anything you... prefer to do?"

Reiner smiles and comes over to her. Leaning down he picks up the duster next to her, "Perhaps I should do the dusting considering I'm taller." He says, dangerously close to her face.

"U-uh s-ss-sure!" Scrambling away from him she picks up the broom and turns around, accidentally smacking him with the bristle part of the broom, "Oh god I'm s-so sorry!"

Reiner looks down at his pants to where there's a large dust stain and then back up to her blushing face. Taking the rag off of his shoulder he twists it up and manages to pop her on the leg with it, "There, we're even." He grins and then starts to get to work on the dusting.

Rubbing her aching thigh Kimmy grips the broom tightly and then starts to sweep out the room. While doing that she watches as Reiner stands on a chair and starts to clean out the rafters of the place. She couldn't help but like the way his muscled arms flexed every time he would reach over his head to dab at the wood planks. There was also the look of concentration on his face that made Kimmy wish he would look at her like that.

However when he shot her a gaze and realized she wasn't doing anything he stops and looks over, "Is there something wrong?"

Kimmy blushes and hurriedly starts to sweep again, "N-no, it's nothing... I was just lost in thought." Reiner smirks but then goes back to cleaning. 


"God Eren it was horrible!" Kimmy cries into her pillow on her own cot in the dungeon.

She promised Hanji that she would go and sleep in the dungeon as well for precaution. Of course when everyone got around to asking questions she just said that she felt bad for Eren and wanted to keep him company. It turned out to be a better arrangement than she expected it to be. He was actually pretty nice and had good advice on occasion. 

The dark haired teen sighs, "Well I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I mean, come on, this is Reiner."

"S-so? I mean honestly he caught me staring!"

Eren laughs and falls back on his cot, tossing an arm over his eyes, "Staring? That's your big offense?"

"Shut up..." Kimmy drops her head down on the cot pillow and refuses to look at her friend. 

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