All Mine (Yandere!Mikasa x Male!Oc)

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The first time Wilf met Mikasa he thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Never in a million years did he think that she would even give him the time of day either. Imagine his surprise however when she came over to the bar and took the seat beside him, asking him for his number. 


She'd watched Wilf for days now. She couldn't sleep without seeing him once a day at least. She'd been drawn in by his shy-nature. He was adorable, the way he would turn red and stutter when a woman talked to him.

She knew that she couldn't live without him, nor would she.


The apartment door opened and Mikasa comes into the apartment. She settles down her bag on the counter, shuffling the bag in her hand. The apartment was quiet, as always. It was a game they both liked to play. 

"Wilf I'm home!" She calls, walking back toward the bedroom.

She opens the door and sees their bedroom empty but she knew better; he was in there, she just had to find him.

"Don't worry, I'll find you." She says while checking underneath the bed.


Standing up she then goes over to the closet and hurls open the doors, "Are you in here darling?"

Nothing again.

Looking around their room she smirks, he was getting better at their game. Padding over to the bathroom door she turns it open. Peering into the dark space she smiles this time, "I found you darling, what are you doing in there?"

Wilf only stares up at her, wide-eyed, unsure of what to say. 

She kneels down and places a hand to his face, "Don't worry about it, you won't make me angry." She smiles wide, "I love you and I just want to protect you, which means I need to know where you are every minute of the day."

Mikasa's grip on his face tightens as she stands up and brings him out of the bathroom and over toward their bedroom. She lets go and then proceeds to start changing. Looking over she finds Wilf still sitting there, staring with wide-eyes. She loved those eyes, they showed the weakness in him, something that made her feel protective and needed by him. 

"M-MM-Mikasa?" Wilf chokes out.


"Y-You're hurting me."

Mikasa releases him and then stares at his face, the red crescents that are there, "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to." She runs a hand down his face smoothly and kisses his lips.


Wilf Hashimoto was a lot of things: shy, cowardly, and an all-over invertibrate. And he hated that about himself. If he had more of a backbone then he wouldn't be in this mess. At first when he started dating Mikasa he thought she was the perfect woman. She was attentive, kind, and she could cook. Perhaps that was where it all went wrong.

It had been a week that they'd been going out when Mikasa had invited him over for dinner. Agreeing readily, Wilf had looked forward to the occasion the entire day. Unfortunately when he arrived and had the first bite, it was over.  The next time he woke up he was locked in her apartment, Mikasa herself standing over him, a maniacle grin on her face as she professed her love for him.

He needed to get out.

It had been three months since his disappearance and having to live with Mikasa. Each day at precisely eight o' clock she left the apartment to go to work. She would arrive back at five o' clock on the dot to then drag him out of his hiding place and start making dinner, all the while having him attached to her hip and planning their... wedding.

She was crazy enough to actually go out and buy herself an engagement ring, and tell everyone who knew they were dating that Wilf had bought it for her. Yeah, he really needed to get out. 

Hearing the door click shut he counts to one hundered and then makes his way out of the room. Every day he'd done this; wait til Mikasa was out, search the apartment for his phone, and then hopefully one of the days get the hell out with some help from his best friend Krista. 

Going into the living room area he then heads toward the extra 'guest' room there. Opening the door he goes over to the bed and scoots it away from the wall. It had been the fifth day here that he'd found the 'holding cell' for his things. Day by day he'd been attempting to chip away at the box in the hopes of opening it and leaving, he had a feeling today would be that day. 

Working diligently he could almost cry as the box opened up. Snatching out his phone Wilf looks down to see that he has enough battery to make just one call. Opening up his contacts he goes down to Krista and opens up a call. It rings twice before the call is picked up.

'Oh my god, Wilf! Where the hell are you? Are you okay?' Krista yells over the phone.

"K-Krista... I n-need your help!" He hiccups/stutters, so glad that she was on the phone with him.

'What do you need?'

Wilf gives her the address of where he was at, "P-please help... g-get here s-soon."

'I'm on my way, hang tight.'

 True to her word Krista came to Mikasa's apartment in record time. Unfortunately she found the door to be locked and Wilf wasn't able to get the locks open from the other side.

"Don't worry I'll call the police!"

"N-no! Give me a m-moment!" WIlf calls out from the other side. 

Picking up the hammer from underneath the kitchen sink he swings it hard and manages to bust the locks just enough to jimmy the door open for him to slither through. Immediately Krista hugs him, causing him to blush but hug her back. Nodding to her, the two head off to her car.


Mikasa's bag drops to the floor. Gone, Wilf was gone. Letting out a scream she punches the doorway and storms into her apartment. Looking around for anything, she finds nothing but the opened lock box and Wilf's things gone.

Standing up she takes a moment to think about where he would've gone if he ran away. Good thing she knew everything about him, it narrowed things down to a few possibilities.


"Don't worry, you'll be safe here." Krista says as she places a sheet down on her couch for him. 


She smiles at him, "I'm just glad you're safe."

Settling down on the couch Wilf says his goodnight and then closes his eyes. It was all over, all behind him. Never again would he have to deal with her. 


The only thing Mikasa loved more about Wilf being awake was him being asleep. He was beautiful when he was asleep, those long lashes and beautiful lips. Kneeling down next to him she smiles and strokes a hand down his face.

His beautiful eyes flutter open, those beautiful brown eyes settling down on her. He's awake now, eyes wide and breathing shallow, "Y-you! H-how?"

"Shhh, don't worry darling," She places her bloodied fingers on his lips, "I took care of that bitch who took you away from me. Don't worry, I'm here to take you back so I can take care of you and watch you forever." She places a cloth with Chloroform over his mouth.

The last thing he hears is her insane chanting of "Forever and ever..."


Sorry, I know this sucked but I really don't write Yandere often. I really did try my best though @Labworkx  

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