Reserved (Annie Leonhart x Male!Oc)

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It was amazing to watch Annie when she got fired up about something. It was a nice difference from the reserved, level headed woman. The way her eyes lit up was beautiful and fierce. Not to mention the way she tossed Eren and Reiner onto the floor with ease made Sven love her even more. Unfortunately other than landing people on their back while in hand-to-hand training she was pretty much a loner and unemotional.

"Hey Annie." Sven says as he sits down next to her in the canteen. She gives him a fleeting glance before turning back to her dinner. "Are you doing okay?"


Sven sits there for a moment contemplating what he should say, he came up with nothing. Lightly hitting the table he gets up, "Ah, okay it was nice talking." Getting up he walks back to his usual table, beating the crap out of himself mentally the entire way.

Since he'd first met Annie, Sven had developed a crush on her. He knew that she wasn't one to show a lot of emotion but he liked that. She was a mystery, a puzzle that he wanted to work out. He really liked the fact that no matter the situation Annie kept a calm head. Unfortunately that also applied to him. Annie hadn't really thrown him a side-ways glance since the day he'd managed to trip over his own two feet and crash into her. Despite having crushed the small female to the floor, she had a calm almost bored expression on her face. It was the first time then that Sven decided he wanted to get to know her even more. 

Sitting down at the table he hits his head down on the surface, sighing. "Well, what was that?" Reiner askes, shoveling in his own dinner.

"I don't even want to talk about it..."

"Trying to woo Annie again eh?"

Bertolt chokes on his dinner suddenly and that makes Sven's head snap up. Reaching over he claps his hand on the brunette's back to dislodge the food particle stuck in his esophagus. "Easy there buddy, if you eat too fast you'll choke."

As soon as Bertolt stops choking he jerks away from Sven's touch. Glaring at the brunette, Sven then gets up and walks out of the canteena, apparently not even his friends wanted him around. Sitting down on the porch area Sven sighs and just leans back on his hands. It wasn't his fault that Bertolt happened to like the same girl he did, hell Annie was beautiful.

Hearing the door open and close again Sven pops open an eye, surprised to find Annie standing there looking down at him. He feels his face heat up a bit. "Why are you out here?" She asks.

He blushes worse, "W-well, I just felt like it I guess..."

"Right." She heads down the steps toward the barracks.

Sven watches her go, determined to make her see that he's worth her time. 


"C'mon man, there's no way that you're going to best her and you know it." Reiner sighs, putting a hand to his face.

"Shut up, I'm going to go and fight her. Perhaps she'll even be excited that I'm wanting to do something that she enjoys."

"Seriouly man, she's going to destroy you in a few seconds flat."

Sven shrugs, "Don't worry about it, I got this." Going over to where the beautiful blonde was standing he gets into a fighting stance, his eyes meeting hers.

"What are you doing?" She asks, unemotional as always.

Sven rolls his shoulders, "C'mon, I want a match."

She looks at him fully now and takes her own stance. Grinning Sven shoots forward and aims a kick at her head. She easily catches him and uses his own momentum to flip him over her and onto the ground. He hits hard and groans at the feeling, his body hurt now.

Getting back up he shakes the dust off of his body and circles Annie slowly, sizing her up. She was good and looking bored. Damn. If he didn't do anything interesting soon to get her attention then she would just abandon him again. After deciding that he wanted to use his height to his advantage he came forward and aimed a punch toward the top of her head. Annie easily evaded it and it was then that Sven shot his long leg out, hitting the back of her knees and causing her to land on the ground. He pinned her and smiled,

"I-I finally managed to p-pin you." He pants.

Annie looks at him with only a slight bit of the expression of someone who was impressed. Unfortunately at that moment he was tackled off of the beautiful woman by an angry Bertolt. In fact Bertolt raised a fist to punch Sven's face in. Reiner, however, like an angel arrived and hauled Bertolt off.

"Easy man, easy!"

"No, let me go!"

Sven gets to his feet and brushes himself off, looking over with wide eyes he looks to see Bertolt glaring at him. Annie was nowhere to be seen and Sven now is scowling, once agan he was out of being able to spend time with the female.


Lying down on the porch outside of the canteena, nursing the bruise on his eye. It was the next day when Sven had been punched in the face by an angry giant, AKA: Bertolt Hoover. Reiner had managed to pull the angry guy off again but then Shadis had come in and busted them all with laps.

By the time he'd finished his laps Sven had no want for eating dinner. Instead he decided to lie there on the porch in the shade. The cooler temperature felt good on his burning, exhausted form. Closing both eyes he focuses on the cold and trying to regulate his body temperature. 

"Ah!" He yells when a heavy bag of something cold falls on his bruised eye. "The fuck?"

Sitting up he's surprised to see Annie standing over him once again, pulling her hand back into her pocket again. Sven looks at the bag of ice and then back to her, "Did you get this for me?" He asked surprised.

She shrugs, "Your face is swelling horribly."

Standing up Sven looks around for any sign of Bertolt. Finding that the tall man was nowhere to be he then leans forward and kisses her on the cheek. "Thanks Annie, you're amazing." He hisses while sticking the bag of ice to his face again. 

"Right." She goes to walk away but then turns around again, "Training starts tomorrow when we have a break."


"I'm tired of landing you on your ass. If you're going to challenge me to a fight I'd rather it be a bit of a challenge."

Sven grins after her form as she walked away. It was true that Annie wasn't someone who readily showed her emotions. She wasn't open with them and that suited Sven just fine. He knew that it was through little gestures like this that she showed her affections.

And he lived for those.


I AM SO SORRY! I know that this is seriously late but life seriously caught up; I recently became a camp counselor and then had to go and fix a few problems with my car, sorry! DX

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