Wedding Dress Shopping (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Reader)

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"(Y/n) I'm serious, I'm going along." Levi growls as he nips your shoulder.

You roll over to face your fiancé, "Levi, I'm serious about this, you're Not going along to help me shop for my wedding dress. It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress!"

He glares, "I'm going."

You glare back, "You're not, why do you even want to go in the first place? You hate shopping."

"To make sure you don't go overboard or get some ugly dress."

You reach over and lightly smack his head, "I swear! Mom and dad will be there! Trust me, they're not going to let me pick out a dress that's going to be bad." You kiss him slowly, "Besides, you know you'll love me anyways."

Levi clicks his tongue before burying his face onto your chest. You roll your eyes but hold him tight to you regardless; after all it's quite adorable when he acts all cuddly. You know this issue isn't resolved yet but you would win this battle in the end.

Levi's Pov

"Levi, I'm not helping you with this." Erwin says as he doesn't even bother to look up from his CEO paperwork.

"Erwin, what is the big deal about this?" 

Erwin puts down his papers for a moment, "Levi, (Y/n) has fantasized about her wedding since she was five years old. Believe me when I say that every detail is important to her. Just go with it, please."

"Tch, no promises." Levi mutters.

Erwin's gaze darkens, "Levi, my daughter has been dreaming of this day for years. Don't forget I gave my permission for this relationship despite you being 7 years older than her. Do not make this a problem, am I understood?"

Levi has a staredown with Erwin, he hates it when Erwin brings that up. "Tch, fine."

Levi walks out of Erwin's office and into his own. He doesn't enjoy his office at all because it wasn't a closed in office. Anyone would walk in and bother him. Speak of the devil, someone decided to just walk in and bother him. He looks up and feels his annoyance skyrocket, Jaeger, great. This was going to be a long day.

Reader's Pov

"I don't like this one, too flashy." I sigh up on the pedestal in the bridal shop. One dress after the other I tried on but it was nothing that I would pick to walk down the isle in. 

"(Y/n), is there any point on trying anything more on?" Dad asks from his place on the couch. We'd already been here for two hours. 

I shake my head, "No, I don't think I'll be able to find one today." Going back to the dressing room I got dressed and then we left the store. 


Coming home wasn't much of a reprieve though. Living with Levi could certainly try my patience some days and today was one of those days. Ever since I got home he'd been on my case interrogating me about what my dress looked like.

"Levi, I didn't buy a dress yet." I finally say.

"Then let me come next time to help you out." 

I shake my head, "Not going to happen mister." 


"It's tradition-."

"Screw tradition."

I glare at him and push him to sit down on our bed he was standing in front of. Jumping onto his lap I place my arms on both of his shoulders, "It's. Tradition. You're not coming shopping with me and that is fucking final."

"Tch, fine have it your way." He pulls us down on the bed.

"Good, now stop being a pain to everyone by bugging us about all of this wedding business."

"Tch, no promises."

I roll my eyes, deep down I know that eventually he will come along to help me pick out the dress because I'll be tired of having to listen to his piss-moaning about it but for now I wasn't going to give in. 


You flit around the room nervously as you attempt to fix things that weren't really even out of order. You were just nervous. After all, today is your wedding day, to Levi Rivaille no less.  "(Y/n), calm down. You look beautiful; Levi is going to be pleased." Historia says as she pats your arm.

You smile over at your Maid of Honor, "Thank you Historia."

There's a knock on the bedroom door. Opening it you find your father standing there looking down at you with a mixture of amazement and slight apprehension. You know today was bittersweet for him as well. Your mother had died when you were young and so you were pretty much the only female in your father's life for the past twenty-some years. He was happy that you were going to a good man that he trusted but at the same time he was sad that you wouldn't be his 'little girl' anymore. 

"You look beautiful; just like your mother on our wedding day." He whispers, voice full of emotion.

You tear up a bit and hug him tightly, "Daddy... I miss her."

"I do too but I know she's here with you today, even if you can't see her." He wipes away your tears, careful not to mess up your makeup. 

"I hope so."

Both of you share a chuckle, "Are you ready?"

You nod, "Yes." and take his arm, "Let's get this wedding started."

Levi's Pov

Levi stands at the end of the aler about ready to go and get his bride to be himself. He didn't like the idea of a wedding and thought it to be ridiculous. After all, why did they have to get married and make a big spectacle of it? Still, he endulged your wishes and helped shell out the money to make your big day happen. 

Still, couldn't you be on time?

The music starts as you walk into his vision. He can't help but have a little smirk. He knew that you'd see his way and allow him to go and pick our your wedding dress. You looked beautiful in it, even Erwin looked shabby next to you as he walked his precious daughter toward him. 

She makes it up to where he's standing and Erwin hands his daughter's hand over to him. Levi gives a small smile as he pulls (Y/n) closer to him. "Nice dress." He whispers to her.

She smirks back, "I figured, you picked it out; diva."

Oh yes, the rest of your lives together were going to be a blast.

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