Cold Intolerant (Au!Mike Zacharius x Reader)

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The morning looked so promising to (F/n) (L/n). The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. Unfortunately in the Scouting Legion apartment complex, good mornings don't stay good or laid back for long. In this case a very angry, short man was knocking furiously on (F/n)'s door.

"(L/n), get out here." Levi calls loudly.

The woman groans from her bed and turns around to snuggle into the warmth of her love, her hair getting in her eyes before she wipes it away, "No go away! It's too early for this!" She finally yells.

"(L/n), now!"


(F/n) focuses on trying to sleep as hard as she can. Unfortunately it wasn't to be because the person she's resting her head on moves. (F/n) whines and tries her best at keeping him still, unfortunately that also doesn't work as he sits up. 

"Come on (F/n), he need something and he is the landlord." Mike yawns afer pressing a kiss into her shoulder.

(F/n) shoots him a look but sits up none the less, "Ugh... fine but you can deal with him. We all know I'm useless before my first cup of coffee."

Mike chuckles but gets up anyways and tosses a t-shirt on. He heads out of the room and (F/n) is left to get dressed in something other than a long t-shirt and underwear. Pulling on some shorts she starts over toward the dresser for the rest of her things. She hears chuckling out in the front area and can't help but wonder what was going on. 

Making sure she's decent (F/n) heads out into the room to see Levi and Mike still standing there talking to one another and actually having a good conversation. It was strange to see the intimidating man sitting on her couch and speaking nicely. It's just now that (F/n) realizes how cold it is in their apartment, what was going on.

At the sight of his lover Mike motions for her to join them. The female sits down next to him and snuggles up into his side grateful that he's really warm. "What did you need?" She asks.

Levi blinks for a moment before he gets to the point, "Your AC is actually broken. At the rate it's going now the temperature is going to drop rapidly. I came down here to tell you that I won't add it onto your monthly payments considering this wasn't your fault. In fact your entire building is having the same problem."

"What happened?" 

"Lightning from the last thunderstorm hit our AC control unit and fried the circuit coduits for your building and made the AC control boxes in the apartments unuseable."

(F/n) bites her bottom lip in frustration, "I see, well thanks a lot for telling us about it Levi, that was really nice of you."

Levi nods a litle before heading out of their apartment, bidding them a farewell. (F/n) groans as soon as the door is shut and buries her face in his shoulder. Mike can only smirk a bit, perhaps this isn't going to be so bad. (F/n) wasn't really that affectionate or touchy of a person excluding times when she was sick, on the rag, or just waking up and not aware of what she's doing exactly.


"Mike I'm so cold! This is ridiculous let's get a hotel until they've fixed everything." (F/n) whines, holding more of her fleecy jacket toward her. She tried everything to stay warm but it was useless right now because the cold just seemed to cut right through all of her wooly layers.

The blonde comes over and sits down on the couch, tossing his arm over her shoulders and burying his face into her hair, inhaling her scent. She always managed to smell of Jasmine and a little bit like copper, always interesting and nice to him. Her skin is icy and she's shaking. Mike pulls her in closer to him and drapes a heating blanket over her at full blast, she really wasn't equipped to deal with the cold.

"Babe we're too broke to go anywhere. We're just going to have to say warm and tough it out." He pulls her onto his lap at this point. She's all wrapped up in the heating blanket and several jackets like a little buritto.

(F/n) wrinkles her face up in annoyance, "This isn't fair! I'm so cold!"

"Just hold onto me and I'll keep you warm. I don't know why you're so bad at regulating your temperature."

(F/n) snorts and curls up in his lap, "I know, I love you..."

"I love you too."

Dinner was quite the spectacle. Half-way through it (F/n)'s hands were shaking so bad she couldn't even feed herself and Mike had to take over while she curled up in the heating blanket yet agian. As much as Mike felt badly for her he was thoroughly enjoying this.

She groans and nudges him in the ribs, "Would you quit trying to feel me up?"

"I'm just trying to warm you up."

"Uh huh." She sounds really skeptical but drops the conversation.


"So the air conditioning is finally fixed. That was a hellish week dealing with all of those contractors." Levi sighs as he and Mike walk into his office.

"Well at least it's over and things can finally go back to normal. (F/n) has literally been clinging onto me for the past week for heat." 

Levi snorts and sits down at his desk to work on some paperwork, "Don't act like you don't enjoy it. Anyone can tell you do."

Mike shrugs, "I can't really deny that. Well," He stands up and shrugs into his jacket, "I'll talk to you some other time. I should probably get back to (F/n) now before she freezes into a block of ice."

"Tch, yeah right you just want to see her face when you tell her the heating is now working again."

Mike waves the shorter man off and starts off toward where his lover is. He unlocks the door and steps into the fridigid wasteland that is their apartment. He spots a familiar (h/c) tuft of hair underneath a million blankets and heating pads. She was on the couch and from the looks of it not moving. He goes over to the couch and sits down next to her. 

Before he can even understand what has happened (F/n) is already in his lap clinging onto him. He's really going to miss this... "B-babe do you k-kk-know when they're g-gonna turn the heat and warmth b-bb-back on?"

Mike shrugs, "I don't know, maybe in a few days they'll have it up and running." Mike puts his arms around her and places a kiss on her lips. 

He would definitely tell her... in a few days....


This was so weird but then again it's Mike... I'm not really sure how much of a success this was but I think it was alright.

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