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Our long talks turned into quietness,

Our laughs just turned into small smiles,

Our fighting battles together turned into  spending nights crying alone,

What has happened?

Theses moments go though my head,

what did I do to cause our friendship to crash,

Then tempting whispers fill my ears,

"Your just a stupid girl, you ruin everything, you can't do anything right, you chase people away, what the fuck is wrong with you? Oh Right you are just a mistake just go away your mistake ass is just a waste of space, Just go cut yourself or die just leave."

These horrible words I can only hear hurt like hell,

are they true?

They have to be people have told me them self,

I'm tired of all of this "temporary" suffering, 

It's not fucking temporary!

I've felt this for seven years and it's just getting worse,

But no one needs me here,

 I just ruin things,

Grabbing my razor as I kiss life goodbye,

Oh God you never tried,

Words to the reader: I don't know who the fuck reads these and if anyone is even looking at this but is you are, yes, life sucks, It's a uphill battle and that hill you keep falling down. If you need some one i'm here for you

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now