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The words in my head I can't control,

The words are trapped in my head,

I open my mouth,

Nothing comes out,

I try searching for help,

I try searching for a voice,

Help me!

I get the words out,

Why aren't you helping,

I know everyone sees the pain in my eyes,

So why did you keep walking,

Why did everyone leave me alone?

When did everyone assume I was strong enough to fight this battle alone?

I can't do this,

I need someone to save me,

I need someone to throw me a robe,

I can't be do this alone,

Someone Just please please listen,

Hold me and promise you won't leave,

Stay with me,

I just need someone to love me for who I am,

And what am I,




I might even try pushing you away,

But I don't mean to be those things,

I need someone to see through the mess I appear to be,

I need someone to see me.

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now