I'm done,
Run to the bathroom to sit in a stall and cry,
People are so evil,
And them even saying there having a bad day and I don't understand.
You don't know the wars I fight at home,
You don't know how much I go though,
I struggle too,
But as I said I went to the bathroom and cried,
No one knew,
Then I cam back with my eyes dried,
You started attacking me,
I stood up and went back to my seat with tears filling my eyes,
Before the class saw I bottled up those feelings and wiped away the tears,
But that's how life works now bottle up your feeling until your breaking point,
And when that bottle breaks you just get a bigger bottle,
Well that's what I do anyway,
Me crying shows I'm weak,
And I don't want to seem like an easier target than I already am,
So I fake a smile on the verge of tears hoping no will notice,
Wishing for my "superman" to save me,
But all I can say for sure is this world is a cold place like freezing water,
If you stay still you'll freeze to death,
But if you keep moving you'll find a warmer spot,
But it's difficult,
There are places were you can barely keep your head above the icy water,
And there's places where you go completely under water not knowing when you will rise again,
But there's always a way up,
One good thing about hitting rock bottom is there is only one way,
And that's up
The Struggles in Life
PoetryMy book is full of my thoughts. There is some positive in here you just have to find it. But this book is my thought, my feelings, my rants