Random shit

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Haven't wrote down my thoughts recently,

I have to busy dealing with shit,

School finals, family, and making sure the few friends I have are okay,

I have had so many silent tears this week,

Anxiety kicked in,

And my depression came down hard,

Miss that with stress,

Guess what I got!

I had a major panic attack,

I could barely breath,

 I had to close my eyes and take my deep breathes,

There can be so many things wrong with me people won't notice,

I have seen felt and heard things no one else will see,

I have demons and voices,

But were not consider crazy till we listen to them

until we reply to them,

But I do sometimes,

I give in to the lies,

I give in to the temptations,

I give in because I don't have the effort anymore,

I all disappoint myself,

I never win the battle,

I just sit there and let them attack me,

People say don't fight back your bully will leave you alone eventually,

But I am my own bully so how does that work?

I am just going to end up doing the same stupid shit,

Just going to keep saying the same hurtful things,

How can I not it's all I ever known?

I will sit here and resit my temptations as long as I can,

But I know what will happen,

You just can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results, 

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