My mind is so mixed up,
I can barely get the words down,
They still don't make sense,
I am lost in the fog,
But that's okay,
I am the storm that destroys everything,
I hurt those I love,
I strip them of there happiness,
Why is it that storms are destroying,
They may seem amazing as the lighting strikes the the star filled sky as lights up the night with an echoing bang,
Even though that storm may seem pretty beautiful it's making fire somewhere else,
And we all know after every storm is a rainbow,
But there is never a rainbow for me,
The storm is constant,
It's a never ending pain,
it makes everything unsafe,
But this nonstop storm is killing everyone,
People spend day and night hearing the echo from the cracking thunder in my voice,
You can see the lighting flash within my eyes signaling the storm is getting stronger,
More pain,
More destruction hits,
I feel even worse for those who stay with the storm,
They fall for it's false beauty,
And some even chase the storm,
They fall and get trapped,
I don't mean any harm,
That's why I spill my heart on the pages,
On the computer now because people found those pages and used my own power against me,
They try to contain the storm,
But you can't fucking contain me,
But after awhile every storm dies down,
maybe it's time for this storm to disappear,
Then maybe there will be a rainbow.
The Struggles in Life
PoetryMy book is full of my thoughts. There is some positive in here you just have to find it. But this book is my thought, my feelings, my rants