Leap of Faith

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To get over to God,

All we do is take a leap of Faith,

I gather all my strength,

I gathered everything I needed,

I tired to jump to the other side,

But sense I couldn't fly,

I missed,

I grabbed on to the edge,

Yelling to God to save me,

I messed up,

I must have prayed wrong,

That rock broke, 

I fell,

I saw other faces as I was falling,

They just shook there head,

They just watched me fall,

I just closed my eyes,

As I accepted my fate,

But some one reached out,

They held me as I was dangling for my life,

It was a game of trust,

When trust formed,

They got tired of holding me,

They got tired of hearing my tears,

so the dropped me,

Again I was falling,

With broken trust,

this cycle happened too many times,

I want to give up talking,

But I need to talk,

One last time I fall,

This time caught in my own desires,

My demons caught me,

And I know they won't let me fall,

I took my leap of faith,

I messed up,

But that's okay,

I guess I never belonged their

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