To get over to God,
All we do is take a leap of Faith,
I gather all my strength,
I gathered everything I needed,
I tired to jump to the other side,
But sense I couldn't fly,
I missed,
I grabbed on to the edge,
Yelling to God to save me,
I messed up,
I must have prayed wrong,
That rock broke,
I fell,
I saw other faces as I was falling,
They just shook there head,
They just watched me fall,
I just closed my eyes,
As I accepted my fate,
But some one reached out,
They held me as I was dangling for my life,
It was a game of trust,
When trust formed,
They got tired of holding me,
They got tired of hearing my tears,
so the dropped me,
Again I was falling,
With broken trust,
this cycle happened too many times,
I want to give up talking,
But I need to talk,
One last time I fall,
This time caught in my own desires,
My demons caught me,
And I know they won't let me fall,
I took my leap of faith,
I messed up,
But that's okay,
I guess I never belonged their
The Struggles in Life
PoetryMy book is full of my thoughts. There is some positive in here you just have to find it. But this book is my thought, my feelings, my rants