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Packing my bag for my walk I will never come back from,

Cigarettes, pills, razor, alcohol,

were the main things I brought,

I start walking down the snowy dark road to nowhere,

Lighting my cigarette,

breathing it in for the first time,

Smiling knowing the things that are going to happen,

I look where i'm at I sit of the frozen railroad tracks,

I open my bottle of vodka,

I grab the razor and pills,

I cut my wrist,

On my arms and thigh,

Till every inch has blood,

Shacking I drop the razor,

I grab the pill bottle that has multiple pills that I sorted the night before,

Swallowing them,

Multiple at a time,

Using the vodka as my water,

Damn it's so strong,

My head is spinning,

I puked all over,

looking up at the stars,

knowing that were looking at the same sky,

But you don't know i'm saying goodbye,

A train starts coming so I go sit on the none busy road,

Taking the last of the pills and vodka,

Why am I not fucking dead yet it's been five minutes,

I finally stumble my way over to the river,

I think everything is starting to work,

I can't breath,

I hit send to text that I had prepared,

The text read Goodbye I love you see you soon,

I sent it to a group chat of Three people,

Zak, Kattie, and My darling,

I fall in too the river to numb the pain i was feeling,

I am going to be gone,

good thing you have each other,

And if not each other,

Zak and kattie they have each other,

Meriah.... You have her

I loved you to death,

I just couldn't handle the pain,

So I said good bye....

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