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Staring at the wall,

Thinking of the world I am in,

"Kill yourself!" 

"You deserve pain you selfish whore!"

My demons are yelling at me,

I try to look away,

I try not to listen,

I say no over and over,

I don't want the demons to win,

As much as I do want to die,

I can't,

I don't have the strength to go though with it,

And plus,

I am a warrior,

I grew weak yes,

But I need to pick myself up,

No one else is here anymore,

No one is here to wiping away my tears,

To tell me it's going to be okay,

I need to find my strength,

But here I am staring,

At the nothingness,

Listing to the demons,

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now