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I have lost myself,

I have lost my friends,

I have lost everything,

What is life,

I don't know anymore,

It seems so useless like myself,

Nothing helps me,

And I can't help anything,

I can't even help myself,

I have to come back to reality,

I am just staring at this girl,

I fucking hate her though,

She is the cause of my destruction,

But it's okay because that girl is me,

I am seeing my reflection,

And I am reflecting on all of my mistakes,

All of the people starting pointing out these mistakes,

They showed me the monster I really am,

Who in the right mind would be okay seeing their own blood?

Who in the right mind is okay with the word Death as long as it applies to them?

Me that's who ,

I am a monster,

A monster that was was just trying to fit in,

Trying to hard to find love,

to be accepted,

But now it's okay,

You got what you want world,

That monster never found that love,

Never found acceptance,

And that monster will never fit in,

All that monster did was find happiness in a knife,

In being alone,

How does it feel to take something so beautiful and destroy it?

I was the one being destroyed so I wouldn't know,

So once again I am talking to myself in the mirror,

I realized how much power I have,

I am the one who did this,

I am the one who isolated myself,

I am the one who saw my mistakes,

I am the one who said those cutting words,

So what I am saying is,

I am the one who destroyed me,

I created the monster ,

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now