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I got up and walked away so I didn't cry in front him,

In front of them,

He followed me,

I had to walk into the girls bathroom so you couldn't follow,

But then she came in the bathroom she wouldn't let me out,

I barely got out of there,

I laid against the wall Him and two others girls were with him,

I wanted to break down,

I needed a hug,

But I kept saying I was fine,

He told me he's know i'm lying and he's there when I want to talk,

Two classes went by,

I'm in English now,

You waved at me when we made eye contact,

I don't know what it is,

But there is something about his eyes that our calming,

So I slightly smile and then looked away he's one of my only friends,

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now