Who cares?

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What is life supposed to bring me?

I feel so lost,

I just bite my lip and fake a smile,

That's how I get though my everyday life,

I bottle up my feelings until the smallest thing breaks me,

But somethings break the bottle them self,

Life is just complicated,

It's full of too much hurt,

I am just so misunderstood,

I sit here fiddling with my knife repeating the killing words I deserve to hear,

Trying to keep my cries silent,

Wanting to text for help,

But what would I say? 

I can never find the words to say whats going on,

I can barely get the words rolling off my finger tips,

Nothing I say or write makes sense,

Everything I do is the wrong way,

Or I ruin it, 

I whisper sorry a keep my head down,

But when I am looking down I miss the beautiful star filled nights,

But if I look up I get shoved called names,

I left Jesus so I have been free falling,

My demons caught me and they have been holding me threw those hard night,

So many nights I have feel asleep holding my knife,

But that's okay,

I don't expect you to care,

After all I am just invisible to the world,

I am the mistake,

But that's okay,

I just sit here and let society beat me,

because I know I don't have much longer till I say goodbye,

I just kiss my life goodbye,

But then I realize lately my life has been my razor,

 But once again who cares?

Who's keeping track of every scar I give and how many I receive?

 no one's here to help me,

No one here's to save me,

I am drifting far away,

But who cares?

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