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I was "Smiling" and "laughing",

The you asked me that one question,

"Why are you so depressed right now? I can see it in your eyes"

I didn't know how to reply,

No one heard it but me,

You read me,

That made me feel notice,

I made me think hey maybe someone can see you suffering,

But then you saw my scars,

You took my arm and roughly rubbed over them,

Causing them to bleed,

That got a reaction people told you to stop,

"Why" you asked,

"What would you do if you just meet a friend and saw they had scars"

He told me it was stupid,

And you're a friend?

Again though out the day you read me,

Depression negation that was all you could see hidden in my eyes,

Who are you?

You know me,

But you hurt me.

The Struggles in LifeWhere stories live. Discover now