Why does life feel like i'm drowning,
It seems like My blood comes down like the rain,
Tears string my eyes,
Is it even worth it anymore?
Everyone left me alone,
No one's here to save me,
So I sink,
The rocks tied to me,
Holding me down as if it is my sin,
What did I do to deserve this pain,
Why do I have to shed my blood,
Why is it just another day not to eat,
"I'm depressed"
so of course the world is out to get me,
I've just an over dramatic teenager,
A girl who doesn't care about life,
A girl who is alone,
A girl who should be dead
The Struggles in Life
PoetryMy book is full of my thoughts. There is some positive in here you just have to find it. But this book is my thought, my feelings, my rants