Chapter 1

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Tonight was the night that Maci was dragging me to her boyfriend's best friends party in Downton Atlanta as some rich hotel. Let alone is a was a Masquerade Party, so I won't know anyone there.

"Come on Taylor, we have to get going to the hotel!" She said barging into my apartment at 1 in the afternoon. "Maci, do I really have to? I'm not going to know anyone there besides you and Jace!" I said getting up off of my couch and heading over to my bedroom to get my things. She's dating Jace Peterson the second baseman for the Atlanta Braves.

"Yes you do! I've always wanted you to meet his best friend, he's a cutie and he has great hair." She said grabbing my bag for me and going out to her car. 

"Taylor, you know I haven't seen anyone since Ryan and I broke up and nor do I really want to be seeing anyone right now." I said getting into the passenger seat of her car. "I know you don't but at least try and get out there." She said. I just rolled my eyes and watched the changing scenery outside the window. 

We were going from the north side of ATL where I live, to downtown ATL where all the rich people live. I was in no means rich, but I made my own and paid for everything on my own. 

We pulled up to this massive hotel, that I'm sure I couldn't afford, but Maci told me that Jace had paid for our room and told her that I didn't have to pay him back. 

I thought it was sweet, but I could've given him something but he waved it off like it was nothing. Must be nice to have money. 

We grabbed our bags out of the backseat and walked into the hotel and Maci spotted Jace right away. She ran over to him and I just walked slowly not wanting to ruin their moment. 

"Hey Taylor, so glad you came!" Jace said giving me a hug. "Yeah, I don't think that I really had a choice, did I Maci?" I said looking at her and she shook her head no. Jace laughed and looked back at me. 

"You ready for tonight?" He asked me as we were walking toward the elevator. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a sigh. As much as Maci begged me to be here, I don't mind hanging out with Jace, he's a cool guy and we've become good friends since he and Maci started dating 7 months ago. 

We got up to our room and it was beautiful and it had two rooms and enough space for three people. I went into my room and decided to take a shower and start getting ready for the party. 

I ended up straightening my hair first, then curling the ends of it and putting it in a side ponytail, then did some makeup and by that time it was 6 and the party started at 7. "Hey are you getting ready yet?" Maci yelled to me through my closed door. 

"Yeah I just have to get dressed now!" I yelled back. "Okay, we're heading down there around 6:45!" She yelled walking away from the door. I sighed and sat down on the bed and grabbing my phone and going through my social media. 

Nothing new was going on, so I decided to get dressed. (outfit in media) I sighed and looked myself over in the mirror, I mean this is as good as it's gonna get. I took a picture for snapchat, even though I really didn't have many friends on there and put it on my story. 

I grabbed my clutch and walked back out into the main area of the room. "Whoa, you look amazing Taylor!" Jace said as he looked up from his spot on the couch. "Thanks you don't look so bad yourself!" I said taking a seat next to him. 

"Alright, I'm ready!" Maci said coming out of their bedroom. "Babe, you look gorgeous.' Jace said getting up and giving her a kiss. "Thanks babe, whoa Tay! You look great!" She said once she saw me.

"Thanks, you look great too." There was no emotion in my voice, because I really didn't want to be here. She sighed, she knew I didn't want to be here, but she dragged me only because she wanted me to go to the game tomorrow too. 

We walked out of our room and headed down to the hall where the party was being held. We walked in and it looked amazing, the decorations were amazing and the food looked good and everyone look amazing in their costumes and the music was blaring. 

Everyone looked so happy and then there was me, I looked like I didn't want to be there or I didn't belong there. 

"Taylor, let me introduce you some of the team!" Jace said over the music, I just nodded and went along with it and went with Jace. I met AJ, Freddie and Julio. "Now let's meet the man of the house." Jace said giving me a wink and I just rolled my eyes. 

I really liked Freddie, he was funny. Jace dragged me over to where the birthday boy was and they did a bro hug. "Dans, I'd like you to meet Maci's best friend, Taylor. Taylor, this is my best friend Dansby." He said introducing us. 

That hair, oh my god. That'll make any girl fall in love on the spot. I guess that's what I did, but I put that in the back of my mind because of what I've been through. "It's lovely to meet you Taylor." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. 

Alright Dansby, stop making me fall in love with you when I don't want to. "You too Dansby." I said with a smile and his smile, ugh god. 

We walked back to where Maci was talking with the other wives and girlfriends. "I'm gonna kill you." I said to Jace. "What do you mean?" He said playing dumb. I smacked him.  

"Don't play dumb with me Peterson. You knew I would fall in love with him even when I didn't want to." I said as we reached the girls. "So how was meeting Dansby?" Maci asked pulling me away from the girls and Jace. 

"I don't want to say it but I'm going to, he's so dreamy." I said with a laugh and she hugged me. "I knew you'd like him." She said and I rolled my eyes and we went and enjoyed the party. 

I don't know how long I was there for but, I really didn't want to stay there any longer, I couldn't find Maci and Jace, so I just walked off on my own to go back to the room. 

Just as the elevator doors were about to close, in pops that gorgeous head of hair that I had met earlier. "Hey, Taylor right?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, it's good to see you again." I said with a smile and he pressed the button to his floor, which happened to be the same as mine. 

We started going up, awkward silence between the two of us and then the elevator just stopped. I looked at Dansby with a terrified look on my face. I pressed the help button but nothing happened. 

I sighed. "Just great." I mumbled under my breath as I slid down the wall of the elevator. "Not how you planned your night to go?" He asked doing the same. I nodded my head no. "Nope not one bit." I said with a laugh. 

"Well since we're stuck here, how about we get to know each other." He suggested and I nodded. "I'll go. I'm Taylor, I'm 22 and I was born and raised here in Georgia, I work in a Hospital setting up charity events for the children and people who are in the Make A Wish Foundation dreams come true." I said and he smiled. 

"You like making people happy?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah I love it. I haven't been happy a lot lately but making the kids have the biggest smile on their faces is the highlight of my day and that makes me happy." I said. 

"Well I'm Dansby, I'm 22 as well and I was also born and raiser here in Georgia, I have a dog named Bentley and I'm a totally family guy." He said and we just talked, for a long time. 

I could feel myself getting a connection with him, I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Probably for me, not a good thing. What seemed like an eternity after, the elevatory finally started moving. 

I sighed and stood up and so did Dansby. We finally got to our floor and he walked me to my room, which coincidentally was right next to his. "When will I see you again?" He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't know." I said truthfully. He took out his phone and handed it to me and I put my number in it and I handed him mine and he put his number in mine. "It was great meeting you Taylor." He said kissing my cheek and going into his room. 

"It was nice meeting you too." I said barely above a whisper.

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