Chapter 18

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We finally have a day off and I couldn't be happier to finally have no baseball interfere with our lives and just have a day with Dansby. I haven't relaxed since I got pregnant and now is the best time to do it, especially in Florida. 

"Tay, what do you want to do today?" Dansby asked as we were just laying in bed, just waking up. "I just want to relax today, we haven't done much of that since we've been down here." I said rolling over to look at him and he smiled and kissed me. 

"Whatever you want to do." He said rolling out of bed and going into the bathroom. I sighed. I needed to start getting things for the baby, but that won't happen until we're in Atlanta and in a home. 

I wanted to get a new house with Dansby because that apartment won't hold him, myself, Bentley and Riley and then the baby in September. "Babe, what do you think about moving out of your apartment and getting a house?" I asked once he came back into the bedroom. 

"Well that would be a big step in our relationship. I think it's a great idea because the apartment seems to be getting smaller and smaller every day." He said sitting next to me on the bed. I grabbed my laptop off the floor and started looking through houses in the Atlanta area. 

"Look at this one Dansby. 5 bedrooms, we can grow our family here and it's not that far from the park." I said showing him the pictures. He smiled and nodded his head. "I really like this house, schedule a tour and we'll decide." He said kissing the side of my head and then leaving the bedroom. 

Planning my life with my boyfriend has been one of my dreams since I was a little girl. Of course, I would've loved to be married before I got pregnant, but hey you can't control how life works. I've always pictured my life like this, being a baseball girlfriend and being pregnant. 

I couldn't wait to start my little family, I've grown up around a big family and I always wanted one too and now we're starting this family of Swansons and now I wanted to be a Swanson too. I didn't know when Dansby was going to propose, hell I didn't even know if he wanted to propose. 

I should talk to him about that. I rubbed my stomach, it was mind boggling to know I was creating a life. "You're daddy is a pain in my butt little one, I love him though and I know you will too." I said taking to the baby. 

I finally got out of bed and went downstairs to find Dansby making breakfast. "Dans?" I asked while sitting down at the island. "Yes my love?" He said. "Do you see us getting married?" I asked, I knew it was a risk talking about this, but we never talked about it before. 

"Yes I do. I wouldn't be with you if I didn't see myself getting married to you. Why do you ask that?" He said handing me a plate of food. "Because we're having a child together and I don't want you to leave when times get tough when we have the baby. I don't want our child growing up having to go from moms house to dads house every other weekend." 

"Baby, that will never happen. I will always be there for you and our child, even if things don't work out between us, but I'm pretty sure they will, so we don't have to worry about that. Taylor, I love you and I'm not going anywhere. I may have baseball every day of my life, but I don't come home to baseball. I come home to you, our fur babies and our baby." He said sitting down next to me. 

"Dansby I can't help but wonder when you're going to propose though. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be married before I had a baby, but life is life and that didn't happen for me. I'm still happy that we're having a child together, but I still can't help but wonder you know?" I said. 

"I know princess, don't worry, I have something up my sleeve when I'm going to propose to you. I am going to, just I haven't found the right time yet." He said and I smiled. It was a good feeling to know that he was going to propose and now I don't have that feeling of 'what if.'

"We've got such a good thing going that I don't want to mess it up either. There's a lot of pros and cons to proposing." He said and I looked at him funny. "Like what?" I asked. He sighed. "Well what if you don't love me anymore when I do propose to you? What if you're not ready for that step? To me, there are more cons in my mind because I'm just nervous. I've never had anyone like you and I don't want to lose you."

How sweet. "Dansby, you won't lose me I promise. If I'm having your kid, I am not going anywhere for a while. You don't have to worry about me saying no to you because I see myself with you for a very long time." I said and he got up and got down on one knee. 

I should've known he was going to do this right here right now. "Well in light of that, Taylor, my love, my baby momma, you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life knowing I can wake up to you every morning and come home to you every time after I had a bad game and knowing I can come home to you and be happy. So I love you my princess, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He said. 

I was crying, I didn't want anything fancy when he proposed and this is just it, we're in our kitchen and in our pajamas, it doesn't get anymore laid back than this. 

"Yes my love, I will marry you." He smiled and got up and kissed me and slipped the ring on my finger and I couldn't be any more happier than I am right now. I didn't think he was going to propose right now, but I'm glad that he did. 


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