Chapter 24

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I couldn't believe that I was sitting in the hospital again after Ryan sot Dansby. I'm glad it wasn't as serious as it could be, but still he shot him and here we are in the hospital. Dansby had to have surgery to remove the bullet that was lodged in his leg and he was going to be out of commission for awhile, well at leas that's what the doctor told me.

I was in the cafeteria waiting for Dansby to get out of surgery. I hated the fact that I was sitting here right now and not at home with my little girl. I got out my phone and called Nancy. "Hey there sweetie, how's everything going?" She said and I sighed.

"He's in surgery right now. So once the doctors come out and tell me everything I'll know more. How's my little peanut?" I asked, I really wanted to go home and be with her but I knew I needed to be here with Dansby.

"Oh she's a doll. She slept through the night and we're back at our house so we could get new clothes and shower and everything and then we're going to go back over and pack you and Dansby some clothes and feed the dogs. Do you need anything particular?" She asked.

"Just some underwear a new bra, my makeup remover stuff, clothes, phone chargers, my purse and wallet and some food, this hospital food is jack." I said with a laugh. "Alright we'll be by later today. We'll see you then." She said.

I couldn't be more thankful for Dansby's parents just taking Leah in this time and being the best. More reasons why I couldn't wait to be a Swanson soon. They're just the nicest people on the planet and nothing can hurt them.

I went back into the waiting area and waited for the doctor to come out. My phone started ringing and I was surprised when I saw it was Maci. "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. "Hey I heard about Dansby, is everything okay?" She asked. "Where'd you hear about Dansby?" I hadn't even told anyone about him being shot so I was confused.

"On the news, someone leaked a story and told the news that he was shot and killed." Fucking Ryan, I'm literally going to kill him. "He's not dead, he's in surgery and he got shot in the leg by Ryan. I'll call you later. I have to call my lawyer." I said hanging up the phone.

"Hello Taylor, what can I do for you today?" He asked when I answered the phone. "We need to sue Ryan for everything he has. He put out a false statement saying that Dansby was shot and killed. He wasn't killed it was Ryan who shot him and he's in surgery right now. I want that asshole in jail for life."

I was seething when Maci told me that and I couldn't think straight. "Alright, I'll get everything in motion and you put on social media that Dansby isn't dead. I'll handle everything, don't you worry." He said and I sighed feeling a little better now. We talked and then I hung up once I saw the doctor coming towards me.

"He is out of surgery and he is doing excellent. We got the bullet out with clean margins and nothing was damaged. He is going to need to be off his feet for a good week and then he can start physical therapy. It's going to take a long time. Baseball is a long shot for spring training, unless he devotes his life to physical therapy, then Spring Training is a go." He said.

"I'm sure he will, baseball is his life so he doesn't want to miss out on that." I said and he laughed. "Well if you would follow me, I'll take you to his room." He said and I grabbed my things and followed him.

I got there and he was still asleep so the doctor left me alone with him and I pulled up a chair on the side of his bed and took his hand in mine. I got out my phone and took a picture of our intertwined hands and I thought this was a good picture to post on Instagram for everyone to see.

"TaylorRenee: For all of you that have heard that Dansby is dead, that statement is false. He did get shot in the leg last night and he's now out of surgery and is doing amazing. I am working with my lawyer to get the guy that posted that false statement and he's the same person that shot Dansby. You're favorite shortstop is still alive and is the strongest guy I know. Leah and I love you with all of our hearts Dansby, get better soon angel." (picture in media)

I just sat there going through every message and then Dansby squeezed my hand and I looked at him and he was waking up. "Hey there superman." I said and he smiled. "Can you get me water?" He asked and I nodded.

I went out and came back and handed him some water and then as he was about to say something his mom and dad came through the door and I smiled when I saw Leah was sleeping in her carrier. I took her from Nancy and took her out of her car seat.

"Hi princess. Mommy missed you so much last night. Did you have fun with Grandma and Grandpa?" I asked while rocking her. "Let me see her." Dansby said and I eyed him. "I didn't get shot in the arm, it's my leg. Hand me my baby." He said with a laugh and I handed him Leah.

"So have you seen the news?" Nancy asked pulling me aside. "I haven't but Maci told me what they were saying and I've already called my lawyer and he's going to put an end to everything and put Ryan in jail. For good." I said and she hugged me.

"You two don't have to be going through this right now. You two just had a baby and you have a wedding to plan, so when are you getting married?" She asked and I laughed. "Well right now, I don't know. We have so much to get through so probably not until next offseason or the all star break if Dansby doesn't make the game."

She nodded and we talked about other things before Dansby spoke up. "So what are we going to do about Ryan?" He asked and I went over and sat next to him and took his free hand in mine.

"Well he put out a statement saying you were dead and I called my lawyer immediately and he's going to handle everything and hopefully he stays in jail for the rest of his life and we don't have to worry about him." I said kissing his hand.

"I love you, you're the best ever. Taylor and Dansby against the world." He said with a smile and I mimicked his smile. "I love you too and yes, Taylor and Dansby against the world." I said leaning up to his face and giving him a sweet and tender kiss.

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