Chapter 4

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It's been over a week since I've seen Dansby and I'm really getting agitated to see him again. Even after everything that happened that night, I can't get him out of my mind. 

He got home last night after an 0-8 loss to the Mets and I knew he would be down about it. He's been texting me nonstop and I haven't been answering. I don't know why I ran out of his house like that, but I did and I regret every second of it. 

They had an off day so I was going to text him and ask to meet up for coffee and explain myself. I got up around 8 and decided to go for a run and clear my mind of everything. 

Once I got back from my run, I grabbed my phone to see that Dansby had already texted me, this time, I was going to text him back.

Dansbae: Good morning beautiful, I miss you so much and I hope I can see you soon. 

Me: I was actually going to text you to meet up for some coffee around 11? 

Dansbae: Sounds great, see you soon beautiful. 

I sighed and went into my bathroom to get ready for the coffee date, I guess you could say that it was a date. (Outfit in media)

I sighed, it was good enough for coffee. I straightened my hair and didn't do any makeup cause I didn't need it, at least that what Dansby said to me. 

I grabbed my keys and my purse by the door and went off to the coffee shop in the city we had agreed to go to. 

I pulled into the parking lot and I didn't see his truck, so he wasn't here yet, which was good for me. I had time to prepare what I was going to say to him about last week. 

I ordered my drink and went and sat down next to the window. I saw his truck pull into the parking lot and my heart rate sped up and the butterflies in my stomach were unbearable at this point. 

He got out of his truck and he looked so hot. He didn't even have to try. He was just in basketball shorts and a Braves shirt and a baseball hat. 

He walked through the door and once his eyes met mine, his face washed with relief and a smile played across his lips and that smile, god damn, that would make any girl fall in love with him in an instant. 

He got his coffee and came over and sat across from me. I smiled at him and it felt good to be in his presence again. "So we need to have a talk." He said putting his coffee on the table in front of us. 

I sighed and did the same. "Yeah we do." I said. "Why did  you run out on me last week after you kissed me?" He asked.

"I thought I was ready to jump into a relationship again, but after kissing you, I don't know what made me leave. I'm afraid of commitment and I guess you could say I'm playing hard to get? I don't know what it is, but I hate the person I've become after my past relationships. I push away every guy that I have feelings for, but I don't want to do that with you." 

He sighed. "But Taylor, you can't keep going on like that though. You know that I won't hurt you like they did. I was raised better than that." He said. 

"I know that but my mind just shuts down when I get too attached to a guy and I can't tell myself enough to not do that but it just happens and I need help loving myself again and I think that is my problem too." 

"I can help you through all that. I want to help you find yourself again. I want to make you believe in love again and make you believe that all guys aren't assholes and there are nice ones in the world." He said. 

I sighed, I knew he was right, I just didn't want to really believe it but I had to if I really wanted to get into a relationship with him. Which I really did, just not too fast. 

"Thank you Dans. I've just been so close minded to guys that I don't see right away that you're trying to help me. I may push you away at times when I don't want to but that's what my mind just goes to." I said, I wanted to cry, but I knew that I couldn't.

"Just let me into your life and let me help you." He said and I sighed and nodded my head. "I think I could do that." I said with a smile and then his whole face lit up. 

He got up and came over to my side of the booth and gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten from him. "You don't know how much I've missed you." He said as he kissed my cheek. 

"You can kiss me on the lips, I won't run away this time." I said and he laughed and grabbed my face in his hands and placed his lips ever so gently on mine, like he was afraid. 

But I got so into it and kissed him with everything that I had. I knew he was taken back by it, but he eased into it. Once we pulled away I leaned my forehead against his. "God I missed your lips." I said and he kissed me once more. 

"You don't understand baby girl." He said with a laugh helping me out of the booth and walking out to our cars. "Want to come over for dinner tonight?" He asked and I nodded. "But I'm cooking, you cooked for me last time." I said and he laughed. 

"Alright, then I'll come to your place around 7?" He asked and I nodded. "Sounds great. I'll see you then baby girl." He said kissing me one last time before getting into his truck and driving off. 

I got into my car and had a freak out, a good one though. I went off to the store to get food to cook for Dansby tonight. I had no idea what to make. 

I got into the grocery store and figured out that I was going to make roasted chicken with rice and asparagus. I got everything I needed and went to the liquor store and picked up some white wine for the both of us. 

If you guys didn't notice, I'm what the call a wine-o. I literally love wine and drink a glass of it every day. It's good for you. 

I got home and started cooking the chicken and then with about an hour till he was at my house, I went upstairs and changed into a simple yet cute dress. 

I paid it with some vans and a simple necklace

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I paid it with some vans and a simple necklace. Here I was in my own house looking nice while cooking dinner for a guy. Hopefully my guy soon. 

I looked at the clock, 6:30. Dansby likes to be early so he should be here soon. I went back down to the kitchen to start cooking the rice and the asparagus. 

Soon enough, there was a knock on my door and I checked my hair to make sure it looked okay and then I opened the door and he was standing there with roses. "Dans, you didn't have to get me these." I said giving his a kiss and then taking the flowers from him. 

"Of course I did, this is what? Our fourth date, you deserve flowers." He said following me into the kitchen. 

"It smells amazing in here, what are we having?" He asked spotting the bottle of wine and then opening it and pouring glasses for the both of us. 

"Roasted chicken, with rice and asparagus." I said with a smile and he handed me my glass. We made small talk while I finished dinner and while we ate and it looked like he was holding back from asking me something. 

"Dans, what's on your mind? You seem off tonight." I said as we sat down on the couch to watch a movie. He sighed and put his arm around my shoulder and looked at me. 

"I know you said you didn't want to jump into anything fast with my, but I just have to make you mine. I can't stand another night or road trip knowing that I can come home to you and you won't be with another guy, so will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and kissed his lips and I could feel him smile into the kiss. "Of course, I would love to be your girlfriend Dansby."

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