Chapter 5

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(This is what I imagined Taylor to look like)

It's been a week since Dansby had asked me to be his girlfriend and this were going, okay you could say. Things weren't perfect because of me and my imperfections and he knew that's what he was getting into but I can tell it's taking a toll on him. 

I've been going to every game that's been home and today is the last one before they go on a 10 game road trip. 

We've only been together a week but this is going to be the first big test of our relationship and if we don't survive this, I don't think that we will survive a relationship together. 

I woke up around 9 and Dansby had texted me, the usual that I wake up to every morning. I've been having really bad headaches and some nausea and the last time that this happened, I got my cancer. 

I'm just praying that it's not back. I'm going to the hospital after today's game with Maci since Dansby was going to leave and I didn't want to trouble my parents with this again, but if it's back, of course I'm going to tell them. 

I haven't even told Dansby about the headaches of the nausea, I don't want to worry him while he's away. 

I probably won't even tell him if it's come back until he gets back from his road trip, he won't like that I didn't tell him, but he'll live. 

I got ready for the game like I normally did but I knew that I wouldn't have fun at this game like I normally do because of what's been on my mind about the cancer these past couple days.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through her hair and a lot of hair came out and that's when I knew for sure, that my cancer had come back. "It's back isn't it?" Maci asked, scaring the shit out of me making me jump.

"Alright, for one, don't scare me like that and two, I really think it is." Letting a tear slip and she came right over and gave me a hug. "It's all going to be okay. Have you told Dansby?" 

"About me having it the first time? Yes I have. About it potentially being back? No, and if it is, I don't plan on it until he gets back from his road trip." I said with a sigh. 

"I respect it, but I think you should tell him before he leaves." She said as we made our way out to my car. I thought about it, she was right, I should tell him before he leaves and I think I will. We're seeing them after the game but only for a short time, so it'll be quick but  have to do it. 

The game went by quick, too quick for my liking because I didn't know how I was going to break it to Dansby. The lost 4-7, but Dansby went 3-3 so he must have been somewhat happy. 

"There's my favorite girl." He said coming over to me giving me a kiss. I acted happy for now but I knew I wasn't going to be for long. "Hey, uhm can we talk?" I said and fear was written all over his face and I was scared. 

He nodded and led me into the dugout. "Please tell me you're not breaking up with me." He said and I shook my head no and he was relieved. "So what did you want to talk about then?"

I sighed. "I think my cancer has come back Dans, I'm scared." I said not looking at him. "What do you mean you think it's back?"

"I've had really bad headaches, I've been getting nauseous and this morning I ran my fingers through my hair and a clump of hair came out." 

He didn't say anything which really worried me, but my thoughts about that went away when he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Everything's going to be okay princess, we'll make it through this together okay?" he said and I nodded. 

"When do you go to the doctor's?" He asked as we were walking back towards the locker room. "Actually right now, so I have to go." I said as we stopped in front of the doors. 

He pulled me into another hug and kissing me. It's like he was afraid to kiss me because it was so sweet and delicate. "I'll see you when you get back okay?" I said and he nodded and kissed me one last time before we went our separate ways. 

I walked out to the parking lot to see Maci by my car waiting for me. "Did you tell him?" She asked. "Yeah I did. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me and told me we'll get through it together." I said with a sigh driving off to the hospital. 

We got there in no time and I got in right away and they began all their stupid tests on me that I forgot how much I absolutely hated. After all the tests, it was finally time to find out wether or not it was back. 

Maci and I were sitting there for a good half hour before the doctor came back in and I saw the look he had on his face was not a good one and that's when I knew, it was back. 

Sure enough, it was back but they had caught it in time before it spread a lot of other places, so that was the only good thing to come out of this visit and they said I would start chemo right away and they told me everything that I had already heard before.

We left the hospital and we went back to my apartment where Maci then went home and I was left alone to call my parents and tell them whats going on. I sighed and sat down on my couch and pressed the call button. 

"Well hello sweetie, what can we do for you?" My mom said picking up the phone. "Is dad there with you? I need to talk to the both of you." I said and there was some shuffling and I heard my dads voice letting me know they were both there. 

"Alright, there's no easy way to say this but my cancer has come back, they caught it in time so it isn't as bad as last time, so I have to start chemo right away." I said and they both gasped. "Are you okay? Do you want us to come down?"

"If you would like you can, I wouldn't mind seeing you both again." I said with a smile. "Alright sweetie, we'll start packing and we'll come down today and we'll go out to dinner alright?"My dad said. 

"Sounds great, love you both, see you soon." I said and we hung up and I immediately called Dansby and told him the same thing I told my parents. He insisted on coming back, but I told him I was going to be okay and that my parents were going to help me. 

I hung up the phone with him and went into my room to get ready for dinner with my parents.

My parents were here soon enough and they took me out to dinner. "So any boyfriends yet?"My mom asked, she was always the one pushing me to go out on dates again. 

"Actually yeah, I do have a boyfriend." I said with a smile thinking about Dansby. "Oh sweetie, that's wonderful! Tell us about him." 

"Well his name is Dansby, he's a shortstop for the Atlanta Braves and we met at his party that Maci actually dragged me to last month, we've been dating for only a week, but he's the sweetest guy ever, humble, southern gentleman and an all around good guy." I said with a smile and my mom could not have had a bigger smile on her face. 

"I'm so happy for you honey, isn't that right Michael?" She asked looking at my dad. "When can I meet him?" My dad asks. "When he comes home from their road trip. They're in Kansas City then they go to Pittsburgh and then Philadelphia and then they'll be home. I'll take you to one of their games." I said with a smile. 

We caught up all throughout dinner, mostly my mom asking about Dansby and then they both paid for me and we went back to my house to get some sleep because tomorrow, well tomorrow starts a long process to be cancer free again. 

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