Chapter 17

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It's spring training time, which means Dansby and I have packed up our things and headed down to Orlando, Flordia where the Braves have their complex, in the heart of Disney World, my favorite place on earth. 

Dansby and I have been doing quite well since I told him about the pregnancy and since we're past the 12 week mark, we're going to be announcing our pregnancy today, at Magic Kingdom. I haven't told Maci yet, so when she comes over to meet us to leave, she'll be in for a surprise. 

Only three couples were heading there today it was me and Dansby, Maci and Jace, and then Freddie and his wife Chelsea. I don't know how Dansby can stand to be around Freddie after what he did, but hey they're teammates after all they have no choice. 

"Whatup bitches?" Maci asked walking into our house and sitting on the couch. "Oh nothing much, hey what do you think about being a godmother?" I asked and she thought about it and then her eyes popped out of her head. 

"HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" She screamed and I just laughed and shook my head while she came over and gave me the biggest hug. "Oh my god, congrats! When are you due?" So I told her everything and then Freddie and Chelsea got there and we shared the news with them and they were happy for us. 

We all got into the escalade we had while we were down here. It wasn't a far drive from our house to Magic Kingdom, so we got there in no time. We hopped on the ferry boat after we parked our car and went over to the entrance. 

I was literally like a little kid on Christmas. "Will you chill out? It's like you've seen your favorite celebrity or something." Dansby said and everyone laughed. "Well I just love Disney. I haven't been here in so long. It's like Christmas coming here." I said and he smiled at me. 

All Dansby has been doing is showering me with love and compassion and that's all I could ask for from him in this time. I've been getting sicker every morning and been having really bad mood swings, but he's stayed through it all. 

We went through security and then we finally got in and saw the castle and of course, I had to document it on snapchat. "Want to take our pictures now?" Dansby asked me and I nodded my head. 

We went off to find a photographer and we got them done and they were too cute to wait to post on Instagram so I posted one. 

"TaylorRenee: Very excited to announce we have another little Swanson joining the family! Baby Swanson is due September 21st, be prepared to be spoiled little one!" (picture in media)

"Are you happy?" Dansby asked and I smiled. "Of course I'm happy why wouldn't I be happy? I'm pregnant, in Disney World with the love of my life, what could possibly go wrong?" I asked and he had a look on his face. 

"Isn't that your ex?" He said and I turned around and sure enough it was him. Smirking at me. I hit Maci a couple of times before she realized it was him. "Oh hold on, lemme go talk to this fucker real quick." She said starting to walk away but I stopped her. 

"No, let me do it." I said. "Are you nuts? Do you remember what he did to you? He could hurt you and your baby." She said, she was right. I didn't want my baby getting hurt. "Alright then you come with me." I said and she nodded and we went off.

"Taylor baby, how's it going?" He said trying to hug me but Maci put a stop to that real quick. "Maci, great to see you again." He said with sarcasm. "Nice to see you too Ryan, now why are you here?" She asked. 

"I'm here on vacation and I saw little Miss Taylor's post on Instagram not too long ago, now who is the whore?" He said and that one stung. He was always cheating on me so I called him a manwhore. 

"It's still you Ryan. I actually wanted a baby with this guy and not with you." I said and he had the angriest look on his face, a look that could kill anyone. He took a step towards me and I took one back. 

"Listen here you whore, you know you loved me and you know you wanted that baby with me. How do I know that's not my baby?" Is he for real right now? "It's not your baby because I haven't had sex with you in two years and I loved you at first and then you started using me for sex and started abusing me. After that I didn't love you and I stayed with you because I had nowhere else to go." I said 

"You're such a fucking slut." He said raising his hand to slap me, I flinched but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Jace and Freddie holding his arm. "Who do you two think you are?" Ryan said snatching his arm away from the two guys. 

"Two guys you don't want to mess with and hi, I'm your worst nightmare." Dansby said coming up behind me and throwing his arms around my shoulders and I smiled. My knight and shining armor to the rescue. 

 "Oh so you're the douche the whore is sleeping with huh? Well lucky you she's a good time. A good fuck and then leave if you wanna call it that." That didn't sit well with Dansby. "Now don't you ever call my girlfriend a good fuck or a whore again. She's more than that, she's more of a wife them type of deal, so you should leave." 

And with that, Ryan left us alone. "Are you okay?" Dansby said turning to me and giving me a hug. "Yeah I'm alright, you really see me as wifey material?" I asked as we started walking through the park to do some rides. 

"Of course I do. When you told me that you were pregnant, I couldn't help but think of my future with you. With all the fighting we've been doing these past couple months I couldn't help but push past everything we've been fighting about and think about our future together." 

I couldn't help but smile at that. "I can't help but think of our future together too, but let's hope that this baby doesn't change a thing about that." I said and he laughed. "I'm sure it won't princess, I love you." He said kissing my forehead as we were walking and couldn't kiss my lips. 

"I love you too Dansby and I love you too little one." I said rubbing my stomach.

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