Chapter 11

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It's the All-Star break and since Dansby wasn't a part of it, we stayed home in Atlanta and I was going to meet his parents today and their annual family BBQ. 

I was nervous to say the least. Dansby and I have been through a lot and I don't know if he's told his family about everything I've been through this past month and a half, so it's going to be interesting. 

"Hey Dans, have you told your family about what I've been through this past month and a half?" I asked as we were laying in his bed this morning. He sighed. "Yeah I have, they're a big part of my life you know? I tell my mom everything. I hope you're not mad." He said. 

I smiled and kissed him. "No I'm glad you told them, I didn't want to tell them anyway, I hate talking about it." I said with a laugh. I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. (outfit in media)

I've basically lived at Dansby's except he hasn't asked me to fully move in yet. I've been trying to say at home because I think we're moving way too fast with everything in our relationship and I want it to just slow down. 

"Are you nervous?" Dansby asked as we got into his truck to leave. I sighed. "Yeah I guess so. I'm just worried they won't like me or like me living with you basically." I said and he grabbed my hand and rubbed circles. 

"I don't care if they don't like you, I do and that's all that matters." He said and I smiled and enjoyed the ride to his parents house. It was a quick ride and I was getting more nervous by the second. "They're going to love you okay? Don't be nervous." He said as we walked into the house. 

"Dansby!" His mom yelled coming up to him and giving him a hug. "Mom, this is my girlfriend Taylor. Tay, this is my mom Nancy." He said introducing the both of us. 

His mom pulled me into a hug that I was not expecting, so it took me a few seconds to hug her back. "Oh sweetie, it's so nice to finally meet you! Dansby doesn't stop talking about you when he calls me!" She said and Dansby groaned. 

"Mom, stop it." He said and I laughed and they led me into the living room. "Dad, Lindsey, Chase, this is my girlfriend Taylor. Babe, this is my sister Lindsey, my brother Chase and my dad Cooter." Dansby introduced me to them and then left me to talk with all of them. 

"So how did you meet Dans?" Lindsey asked as her dad and brother left the room. "My best friend is dating Jace Peterson and she dragged me along to Dansby's party in April and that's where we met. We were actually stuck in an elevator for a good three hours talking and that's where it all started." I said and she smiled. 

We talked about girl things and she didn't ask me about the cancer or anything, maybe Dansby told them not to ask, if he did I'll have to thank him later for that. Soon enough, all his family started arriving and Dansby didn't leave my side once. 

"Dans, you're being clingy right now." I said joking around with him and he laughed. "I know I am, I just have a lot of good looking cousins and I don't want them taking you away from me." He said kissing me. 

"Dans, you don't have to worry about that, I'm all yours." I said kissing him and then walking over to where his mom and sister was. It was all the girls of the family gossiping about things and I really didn't want to hang out with the guys who were drinking beer, so I opted for gossiping instead. 

"Do you live with Dansby?" One of his aunts asked me, well it's complicated so I really didn't know how to answer. "I don't, I have my own place in Atlanta, but I stay over his house most nights after the games since he is closer to the park." 

"Do you love him?" She asked and I choked on my water. "It's a little too early to be talking about love. I really like him, he's been there for me through a lot this past month and a half, so down the road I could probably say that I love him." I said with a smile. 

She looked satisfied with that answer and stopped asking me questions. Lindsey leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "She always asks girls that he brings home those two questions, she's nosy and just wants the best for Dansby." I nodded and we ended up just continuing talking. 

I started to wonder how many girls Dansby ended up bringing home to his family that she has to ask those two questions. I excused myself and went over to Dansby. "Babe, can we get going? I'm getting tired." I said and he smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"Yeah of course we can babe." He said and we said goodbye to his family and went back to his house. "How many girls have you brought to meet your family?" I asked as we walked into the house. 

"Why would you ask that?" He said. "Well your aunt asked me questions and then your sister told me she asks all the girls you bring home." I said with a sigh. "I've only brought 4 girls home to my family and I plan on you being the last besides my daughter." 

"You plan on having kids with me?" I was shocked. "Of course I do." He sighed. "I love you Taylor. A lot actually. Today while you were talking with the girls I realized it. How well you get along with them is so important to me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. 

"I know you're thinking and you don't have to say it back if you don't feel the same way." He said going upstairs. "Dansby wait." I said as he was halfway up the stairs. 

He turned around to face me and I went and met him in the middle and kissed him with as much passion as I could. "I love you too Dansby."

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