Chapter 35~The Finale

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*Wedding Dress^^*

I loved my dress, so simple yet beautiful. Today was the day I was marrying my best friend with my little mini me by my side and another on the way. I was beyond blessed with the life I've been give and for the second opportunity god gave me. 

"Taylor honey, you look beautiful." My mom said walking into the room at the church where I was getting ready. "Thank you mom, you look beautiful as well." I said hugging her. "I have a gift from Dansby for you." She said handing me a box. 

I smiled and opened it and it was a beautiful diamond bracelet. I had my mom help me put it on and then I read the note that he left me. 

Dear Taylor, this is for you on your special day, well our special day. This whole day is for you, I want you to feel beautiful all day today and feel the love you deserve. I love you with all my heart, for better or for worse, which is what we've been through most of this year. I'm going to save all the mushy stuff for our vows, I can't wait to see what you've written, I know I'm going to cry when I see you. You must look absolutely stunning, I love you princess.

Damn he does know how to make a girl feel pretty and special 24/7. "He's the sweetest." I said as I folded up the note and looked at the bracelet. "He's a keeper, that's for sure. Has he said anything about retiring?" She asked as she sat down as she watched me put the finishing touches on myself. 

"No he hasn't. But I don't think the pregnancy is helping his decision in the right way. He said he wasn't going to retire, but I'm just not sure anymore. I know the guys are trying to tell him not to because they need him and I'm telling him not to because he loves it. I'm torn and I really don't want to think about it on our wedding day." I said and she laughed. 

"It's your day and I will abide by your wishes sweetie. I'm so happy for you." She said kissing my cheek and then leaving me to my thoughts. This is it, I'm no longer a single woman, I'm tied down for the rest of my life and I couldn't be any more ready to do this with Dansby. 

I sighed and grabbed my flowers and went out into the hallway to get ready to go in. "You ready sweetie?" My dad said as we linked our arms together to get ready to walk down the aisle. "As ready as I'll ever be dad." I said with a smile and he kissed my cheek. 

"You'll always be my little girl, never forget that." He said and I smiled. "Never dad." I said and then the doors opened and the song began to play as we walked down the aisle. All I could focus on was Dansby looking so handsome in that tux and the tears that were flowing down his face. 

My dad handed me off to Dansby and he grabbed my hands. "You look stunning." He whispered to me and I smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself babe." I said and then the priest started the ceremony. 

"Taylor and Dansby have written their vows, Dansby you're first." The priest said and he pulled them out of his tux. "Where do I start? Actually I wanna start by thanking Jace and Maci for bringing her to my party and allowing us to meet. That night in the elevator where we sat talking for three hours, I knew you were the one for me. Just the way you carried yourself and the way you talked about your life, you were perfect for me, you still are to this day. We've had major ups and downs, you being in the hospital, me talking about retiring, which isn't happening by the way. I'm staying boys, can't get rid of me that easily. You gave me our beautiful daughter and you're giving me another beautiful baby on the way. My career means nothing to me when I get to come home to you, Leah and the dogs because that's my whole life. I love the person you've made me become and I'm forever thankful for you. You're my whole world and now instead of calling you my princess, I can finally call you my queen." 

I wiped a couple tears from my face and started my own vows. "James Dansby Swason, you are the light of my life. That night in the elevator and every time after that was my favorite with you, I can't choose one because there have been so many. Thank you for breaking me out of my dating shell after he who shall not be named, broke me down into shattered pieces. You built me back up and I couldn't be more thankful for you in this time we've shared as a couple and now we're going to have more as a married couple. We've had challenges and they're only going to grow as we bring another little one into this world. Thank you for being my saving grace in my times of need, I love you my king." I said and he wiped a couple tears from his eyes as well. 

I knew there wasn't a dry eye in the house as Dansby and I had quite a love story, our vows only had half of the things that we wanted to tell each other, the rest we would save for private memories. I took in all of his facial features I loved, his eyes were my favorite, his freshly shaven face that I adored so much of. 

I cared too much about this man to ever let him go and god, please don't take him away from me, ever. He was the perfect man, perfect dad and the perfect teammate. Like I said he was my saving grace, I'm blessed beyond words and I know I say that a lot but I am. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride." The priest said taking me out of my day dreaming and Dansby cupped my face and kissed me as passionately as he could. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't pregnant and there wasn't a crowd here, we would've had sex. 

"I love you Mrs. Swanson." He said and I smiled. "I love you to Mr. Swanson." 

A/N: Thank you all for reading this story of Taylor and Dansby! I have other stories if you would like to read, I have a Dansby one currently out! I love you all!

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