Chapter 13

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October came and went, the Cubs ended up winning the world series, good for them, they deserve it. It's finally November and Dansby and I were chilling on a beach in the Turks and Caicos. 

When you think about the Caribbean, this is what you imagine; sitting on the beach, tanning, a fruity drink in your hand and not a care in the world with what's happening at home and that's how I was in this exact moment. 

"Did you think we'd be here together when we first met?" Dansby said looking over at me from his chair. I sent him a smile. "No, not really because I wasn't keen on coming to your birthday party that night." 

He laughed. "I knew you weren't and then when you saw me, it all changed." He said with a smirk and I laughed at him. "Indeed it did, I fell in love when I met you and I really didn't want to at first because I didn't know a single thing about you." 

He got up and came over and sat on my chair with me. "And now you know everything about me and wouldn't change a thing." He said giving me a kiss. "Not one thing handsome." I said with a smile as he went back over to his chair. 

"Oh my god." I heard Dansby say, so I look over and he's on his phone. "What's wrong Dansby?" I said sitting up  to get a better look of him, he had the biggest smile on his face. "I'm gonna be an uncle! Lindsey's pregnant!" 

He literally couldn't get any happier right now, maybe if I told him I was pregnant he could, but I'm not so tough luck on that one. "Oh my god! Yay! Tell her I said congrats!" I said. 

To be honest, I wish I was the one making him that happy. I wanted to tell him that I was pregnant with his kid, but it's way too early for me to be thinking about things like that with him you know? 

I mean we haven't even been together a year yet. If I got pregnant, some people would think that I'm only in it for the money, which I'm not because I make a great deal of it on my own.  But I really want kids with Dansby and with Lindsey being pregnant, I wanted to be pregnant too. 

Just experiencing it and bringing a life into this world made me happy enough and hopefully doing it with Dansby will make it even better. 

"Helllooooo! Taylor!!!!" Dansby said finally bringing me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry babe." I said blushing. "That's alright, I've been calling your name for a good two minutes now. Whatcha thinking about?" He asked. 

Do I tell him the truth or do I lie? I sighed. "Thinking about being pregnant and everything. It's a blessing in disguise and I'm happy for Lindsey and everything but I would kill to feel what she feels right now." Yep, decided to tell the truth. 

"I know princess, I can't wait to get you pregnant and become a dad and be right by your side, but I don't think the timing is right with the both of us right now to have that." He said and I sighed, I was glad he was on the same page as I was and he was thinking about having kids with me too. 

"I know, I'm glad we're on the same page with not having kids right now. But you really want to have kids with me?" I didn't think we'd be having this conversation in the middle of the Turks and Caicos. 

"Of course I do princess, you make me so happy and I can't imagine being with anyone else right now." He said and I smiled and got those butterflies you get on like the first date. "I love you Dansby." I said getting up and giving him a kiss. 

"I love you too Taylor, don't get down that you're not pregnant. Live through Lindsey's experience with her." He said. 

"Oh don't you worry, I will." I said with a laugh. 

I couldn't wait to get pregnant and have tiny little Dansby's running around, he just makes my life spin around and it couldn't get any better. 

A/N: Sorry this is so short! I've been super busy lately with school and work and I'm hitting a little writer's block with all my stories, so if y'all wanna help be my guest! Love y'all! 

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