Chapter 2

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Well last night was interesting to say the least. I mean, I'm pretty sure I met the love of my life and I'm probably never going to see him again. 

But today, I'm going to suck up watching the Braves play with Maci just so she can see Jace play. The things that I do for her. 

"Tay, get up and get ready. I want to go to breakfast before heading to the stadium!" She yelled through my door and I groaned not wanting to get out of bed. 

But I forced myself to get into the shower and get ready. I straightened my hair and did my makeup and then changed into Jace's jersey and a pair of shorts and my converse. "Tay, are you almost ready?" Maci yelled again, she's really impatient today. 

"Yeah." I said back grabbing my phone and looking through it to see that I had a text message, I literally don't have many friends, so who could be texting me. 

Low and behold, it was Dansby. It literally made my heart flutter when I saw his name. I also laughed at what he put in

Dansbae: So when am I going to see you again? Can we go out tonight?

Me: Are you asking me out on a date Swanson?

Dansbae: Indeed I am Taylor, so I'll pick you up at 8?

Me: Sounds like a plan. 

I locked my phone and did a little dance around my room and then went out into the common area to leave with Maci. "God damn you're slow!" She said getting up being over dramatic as usual. 

I rolled my eyes at her and followed her out of the room and to the restaurant in the hotel. "So, Dansby." She stated and I sighed. "What about him?" I said being all casual about it, not going to freak out in front of her right now in a public place. 

"Has he texted you?" She asked and I nodded my head yes. "We're going out tonight." I stated very casually and now she was the one to start freaking out. "No freaking way! Where are you going?" Of course she was going to be all nosy about this. 

"I don't know, but he told me he would pick me up at 8." I said and she nodded and we got our food and she begged me to tell her everything that happened tonight. I rolled my eyes and just agreed with her. 

We split the bill and went outside to grab a cab and made our way over to the stadium. She handed me a pass for after the game because we were going onto the field to hang out with the guys after the game. 

We got to our seats, not without grabbing beer first, our seats were right above the Braves dugout. I was searching the infield and my eyes went wide when I saw who was at shortstop. I hoped my eyes were playing tricks on me. 

"Maci, who's that at shortstop throwing to Jace?" I asked and she scoffed. "Girl, you know who that is. That's your lovaaaaaa." She said laughing and I just shook my head and he look our way and his face lit up when he saw me. 

"He never told me he played with Jace." I said turning to Maci. "He didn't? Damn, he might think you're in it for the money then." She said and I shook my head. "He's way wrong if he thinks that." I said as I leaned back in my seat trying to take in everything. 

The game went on and the guys won 8-1 against the Dodgers and then we were escorted on the field and Maci ran right over to Jace and I just stood there awkwardly. 

"Well fancy seeing you here." Dansby said coming up behind me and I smiled. "Well I could definitely say the same to you. How come you didn't tell me that you were a professional baseball player?" I asked. 

He sighed. "I never tell pretty girls that, they'll always be for the money. But you, you're different. I wanted you to like me for the regular Dansby, not the popular, hot, baseball player." He said and I sighed. 

"I would never be all about the money." I said and he looked relieved. "So are we still on for tonight?" He asked hopeful and I nodded my head. "Of course, what should I wear?" I asked, I didn't know where he was taking me or what he was going to do with me. 

"Casual." He said with a wink and then he walked away. "Hey you ready to go?" Maci asked me and I nodded and we both said goodbye to Jace and then she brought me home. "Remember to text me everything that happens tonight!" She yelled out her window before driving off. 

I shook my head as I unlocked my door and went up to my bedroom to start getting ready and trying to find a casual outfit for tonight. 

I opted for a white long sleeve t-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of converse. I kept my hair straight and re did my makeup. 

It was around 7:45 when there was a knock on my door. Well he likes to be early. I went over and opened the door to see him in a black long sleeve shirt and jeans, he looked hot. "For you." He said handing me a bouquet of lilies. 

"How did you know these were my favorite?" I asked guiding him into the kitchen while I put the flowers in a vase. "I have my sources." He said and I laughed. "Let me guess, you talked to Maci?" I said looking at him and he shook his head yes. "It's alright, I love them. Ready to go?" I asked and he nodded and took my hand. 

He led me out to his truck and opened the door for me like a true gentleman. I never had any of this with Ryan. All he used me for was sex and I've been closed off towards guys ever since. 

But with Dansby, things seem different already. He doesn't seem like one of those guys who will just use me for sex. I can tell that he's a really caring person and will be different, but we will see. 

"I hope you're okay with mini golfing and go-karts." He said as we pulled up to the place. "You're on Dansby." I said getting out of the truck and going over to where we grab the balls and clubs. He paid like a true gentleman should on the first date. 

"Don't try and let me win, I'm really competitive so bring it." I said, I didn't want this date to be cliche and have him let me win, I'm not that kind of girl. We finished the round and I ended up winning anyway even though I knew he was trying his hardest. 

"Ice Cream or Go-Karts?" He asked and I smiled. "Screw Go-Karts, I want some ice cream." I said and he laughed and we walked over to the ice cream parlor next door. 

I ended up getting mint chocolate chip and he got cookie dough and we opted to sit outside instead of inside. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him, I wanted to get the whole thing with Ryan off of my chest to him. 

"Of course you can." He said with a smile, god damn I love that smile. "Do you just want me for sex or do you plan on a second date happening?" I asked. 

"I plan on a second date happening and a third. Why would you think that I would just use you for sex?"

"I've been used for sex before by my ex boyfriend. He never bought me anything and never took me on dates. I'm just so closed off to me nowadays that I don't know what a good guy looks like anymore." I said with a sigh. 

"I promise you, that we will wait to have sex whenever you're ready, okay? Even kissing. I'll wait till you make the first move." He said grabbing my hand and running his thumb over my knuckles. It felt so relaxing. 

"Okay good, that makes me feel a lot better about you." I said with a laugh finishing up the rest of my ice cream. 

We threw away our cups and headed back to his truck. "So when am I going to see you again?" He asked. 

"I don't know, what's your schedule like?" I asked. "We're home for 7 more games and then we go on the road for 7 games." He said and I nodded. "So you come home May 4th?" I asked and he nodded. 

"How about you come to another game and then I take you to my place and I'll cook you dinner there?" He suggested. 

"I would like that." I said with a smile even though he couldn't see me. "What do you like to eat?" He asked as he pulled up to my apartment complex. 

"Surprise me." I said getting out of the truck and walking me to my door. "I head a really great time tonight Dansby, thank you." I said kissing his cheek. 

"It was my pleasure, I'll see you soon." He said kissing my cheek as well and then I went inside and freakout. If I had sparks when he kissed my cheek, I wonder what it would be like when we actually kissed.

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