Chapter 23

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The first month of parenthood has been, well tiring I guess is the right word to use about how I feel today. Nonetheless, every moment of every day has been amazing with Leah. She's such a sweetheart, she just likes to feed in the early hours of the morning which I don't like, but wouldn't trade the bonding for the world. 

Dansby is smitten by her and he would give the world to her if he could, that's how much he adores her. I love their bond and I can't wait to watch it grow as she gets older and starts learning new things. 

Today is Halloween and we were going trick or treating with his parents, Lindsey and Jaxon and Chase in his parents neighborhood. We have the best family costume and I couldn't wait till everyone saw it. 

I packed everything up in a bag and then went into Leah's nursery and packed her diaper bag incase she spits up on any clothes, which I know will happen, she spits up a lot. I grabbed extra bibs, diapers and clothes. 

I'm that mom that overpacks for one night, but it doesn't help to have extra things. New time moms always pack extra and they're always right when they do. I brought Leah and the bags downstairs and handed her to Dansby so he could put her in her carrier. 

"I can't get over the fact that we created this life. It's still surreal to me you know?" He said as he buckled her in and I sighed in content with life. "I know it's pretty amazing, Isn't it?" I asked and he nodded and sent me a smile before kissing me. 

"I love you and our little princess." He said leaning his forehead against mine. "I love you too Dansby and Leah too." I said pulling away from him and grabbing the bags getting ready to leave. Dansby fed the dogs before grabbing Leah and going out to the car. 

We got to his parents house quickly and it felt good to have people other than Dansby and I watching Leah. I love her and Dansby, but I was going a little stir crazy in the house and not leaving since we got home. 

Dansby wouldn't let me out of his sight, he cared for me so much after the birth and didn't let me do anything unless it was caring for Leah. It was a little overprotective, but I loved him for it anyway. 

"So how does it feel to get out of the house?" Lindsey asked sitting down next to me. I sighed and smiled seeing Chase with Leah. "It feels absolutely amazing, I was going a little stir crazy in that house for a month, it felt good to get outside." I said and she laughed. 

"Well let's go start getting ready for tonight." She said getting up and I followed her upstairs into the spare bedroom and started getting ready. "Someone wants her momma." Dansby said bringing Leah to me. 

"Aw sweet pea is everything okay?" I said taking her from Dansby and rocking her back to sleep. "I will never understand how you do that." He said kissing gym forehead. "It's the power of the breast feeding times in the morning when daddy here is asleep." I said with a laugh giving him a kiss. 

I laid Leah down on the bed and the continued to get ready. We finished and we went downstairs and took family pictures and I put one on Instagram. 

"TaylorRenee: Happy Halloween everyone! First one with little Leah and we wanted to have some fun! (picture in media)"

With my red hair, this costume idea worked out interestingly, because Jasmine didn't have red hair so it looked cool with the red hair. We took some more pictures and then we started our trek trick-or-treating. We walked around and I had the feeling that someone was following us and I turned around and sure enough some guy all dressed in black was following us. 

"Dansby, there's someone following us and I think it's Ryan." I whispered to him and his face went white, like he hadn't been telling me anything. "Dansby what's going on?" I asked and he sighed. "I'm sorry princess. He had been threatening me nonstop to not step foot outside on this day and I couldn't hurt you or Leah by telling you." 

I couldn't believe that Ryan was doing this to my family. "Lindsey call the police right now, tell them we're out trick-or-treating and that I have a restraining order on my ex boyfriend and he's following us and I'm very sure that he has a gun ready to shoot at any time." I whispered to her and she called right away. 

"Taylor my love, you shouldn't be out tonight." Ryan said coming up behind me and pointing a gun at the back of my head. I sighed and looked at Dansby and the rest of his family who were shocked as to what was going on right now. 

"You shouldn't be around me at all." I said and he chuckled. "Well I wanted you to see your little precious fiancé die." He said pointing the gun at Dansby and shooting him in the leg. I screamed and ran over to Dansby and held his leg. 

Just as Ryan was about to run away, the police blocked him in not allowing him to escape. "You got what was coming to you Ryan, you sick bastard!" I screamed with tears running down my face. I looked back to see who had Leah and Chase was trying to comfort her. 

"Sing her a song Chase, it'll calm her down." I said and then turning back to Dansby. "Are you alright babe?" I said looking at him and he smiled at me. "I'm just happy he has bad aim." In light of being shot, he was still making jokes. 

The EMTs came and took over holding down his wound. "Nancy and Cooter, can you please watch her tonight? Take the keys and you guys can stay at our house." I asked them. "Of course, sweetie whatever you need." She said kissing my cheek and then kissing Dansby as they took him into the ambulance with me right behind them. 

I couldn't believe Ryan, I can't believe he would stoop so low and shoot Dansby in front of our child. He's trying to ruin my life and I won't let him anymore.

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