Chapter 25

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Dansby has been home for a week now and to be honest, it's been hell. He can't do anything on his own and it's like I'm a single parent taking care of two children, except I have one child and one fiancé to take care of. 

Chase has been staying with us this week to help me out, but he isn't helping none. Well he has been watching Leah a lot, which I'm grateful for, but I still feed her and everything and when I feed her, Dansby normally needs me for something and not Chase, so it's become sort of a hassle. 

Today was no different and I needed a break. I was getting no sleep at night and Dansby got every ounce of sleep that I needed and I was just drained. I was sitting on the couch with a sleeping Leah on my chest just resting. 

The front door opened and in walked Dansby's parents with bags of food and bags of their own. "What are you two doing here?" I said getting up and being careful not to wake Leah, she hasn't been sleeping much either unless it's during the day. 

"Well we went grocery shopping for you and we're here to give you a break. I've called Chelsea and you'll be going on a girls trip this weekend." Nancy said with a smile and I've never loved her more than I do right now. 

"Are you serious?" I said tears forming in my eyes. "Yes very, now go put that sleeping baby in her crib and go upstairs and pack." She said and I smiled and went upstairs and put Leah in her crib and going into our bedroom. 

"Hey can you get me some water?" Dansby asked as I walked back into our room. "Yeah after I pack." I said going into our closet and started packing. "Wait what do you mean pack? Where are you going?" He said and I went back out into the bedroom. 

"A girls weekend with Chelsea." I said simply looking at him and he looked pissed that I was leaving. "You're leaving me with a newborn and I can't walk? What are you thinking!" He screamed at me. 

"First calm down, Leah is sleeping for the first time today and I don't want to wake her and second no I'm not leaving you alone, your parents are downstairs and they're the ones that surprised me with this trip. So suck it up with your parents for a weekend and I'll be back soon enough." I said going back into the closet and packing. 

He has been so selfish, yeah I know he got shot and everything and can't move basically but it's been killing my vibe as a new mom and I should get some sleep, but I haven't been able to since Dansby can't get out of bed without help. 

I finished up packing and went back into the bedroom. "I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to yell at you like that. Have a good weekend with Chelsea, alright?" He said and I smiled and went over to the bed and kissed him. 

"I will babe, I'll see you Monday. I love you and be good to your parents." I said with a laugh. "I make no promises." He said as I was walking out of the bedroom. I went into Leah's room and gave her a soft kiss on the head and went downstairs. 

"Thank you again for arranging this for me, it means a lot that you would do that." I said while hugging Nancy. "It's no problem dear. You just had a baby and Dansby has to be treated like one for the time being, you need a break for a weekend." She said and I laughed. 

I said goodbye to the both of them and then the dogs and went out to my car and went over to the Freeman residence. "So are you ready for girls weekend?"Chelsea said as we got into her car. "Yes, I desperately need it after everything that's happened. Where are we going exactly?" I asked. 

"Well now that's a secret. Somewhere warm." She said as she drove on the highway. I sighed and leaned my head against the window and when we pulled up to the airport, I began to get skeptical. "Chels, are you kidnapping me or something?" I asked with a laugh. 

"No I'm not. Otherwise, I'd be kidnapping other wives and girlfriends too." She said pulling into the garage and finding a spot quickly before getting out and getting our bags and heading into the airport. When we walked in I saw Maci, Britney (Matt Kemp's wife), and Ashely (Ender's girlfriend). 

"Oh so you three are kidnapping me too?" I said giving them all hugs. "No, but Chelsea should tell you where we're going now." Maci said and I looked at Chelsea. "We're going to Cabo! We're also celebrating Maci's bachelorette party while were there." She said. 

I couldn't believe we were going to Mexico, glad I packed my passport. "But Chels, you're pregnant, how are you going to be around alcohol?" I asked as we walked toward the gate. "I'll live, I just wanted you to be happy this weekend, you need it." She said. 

"Thank you so much, you're the best and I promise to do the same thing when you have a baby too." I said with a laugh. We made small talk before our flight was being called and we boarded the plane. I took out my phone once we got seated and took a selfie of all of us. 

"TaylorRenee: Surprise girl weekend and we're headed to Cabo!"

Before shutting my phone off, Dansby sent me a text. "Have a safe flight love and have a good weekend in Cabo. I love you princess." I smiled and texted him back right before we took off. "I love you too Dans, be good and take care of our princess, see you soon."

I sighed and watched as we flew high above Atlanta and now on our way to Cabo. I knew this trip was going to be fun with the girls, but there was still tension between Maci and I. I hoped we could squash that tension on this trip. 

Otherwise, she'd probably be out of a Maid of Honor for her wedding and I'd probably be out of one for mine too.

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