Chapter 34

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It was finally the all star break and we were in Cleveland for it. I wouldn't miss Dansby playing in this for the world. In two days, we get married back home in Atlanta and I couldn't wait to finally become Mrs. Swanson and have our little family finally complete. 

I don't think I've fully talked Dansby out of his thinking about retiring phase, but I know his dad has had some choice words for him about it. I know it's going to take a lot of convincing now, because I have to tell him that I'm pregnant with our second child. 

I plan on telling him after the game today along with his family as we all go out to dinner. I didn't have a bump yet, but I had gone to the doctors and they say I'm due in March sometime. I know this will make or break his decision to leave baseball and I hope he makes the right one. 

"How's my little mamma doing?" Nancy said as she came into our hotel room. She is the only one that I told about my pregnancy and I knew if I told my mom, she would've blabbed to Dansby. 

"I'm good. No morning sickness this time around, which I'm thankful for." I said and she smiled and sat next to me on the couch. "Do you think this will be his final season now that you're pregnant?" She asked and I sighed. 

"I don't want to think that it will be, but it possibly could. I don't want him to quit. This is his life and he's only 26, he can't leave yet. He has so many things to do. He hasn't won the world series yet, he hasn't won MVP yet and I don't want him to leave. He loves this sport, just not as much as he loves me and Leah." I said. 

"I agree with everything and all of us are going to do whatever we can to stop him from leaving." She said and she gave me a hug and left so we could get ready to head over to the ball park. "Leah, are you ready to have another brother or sister?" I said as I tickled her sides getting her ready for the game and she just laughed. 

I wish she could stay this young forever. Dansby and I weren't planning to have another child this soon, but hey, this is life and I'm ready for whatever it throws at me. Even if it means Dansby retiring at such a young age. 

I put Leah in her Brave's Biggest Fan onesie and some shorts while I put Dansby's jersey on and some shorts. I packed her diaper bag and grabbed that and my purse and I put Leah on my hip. "Who's ready for the game today?" I asked when I found his family in the lobby and the all smiled at me. 

"You're glowing." Lindsey said as she came up to me and I just smiled. "No you're not!" She squealed, which made his whole family turn and look at me. "Look what you did Linds. Okay I haven't told Dansby yet, so don't tell him, but I'm pregnant again." I said and everyone cheered and gave me a hug. 

We made it to the red carpet thing and found Dansby right away. "You look absolutely beautiful today baby." He said kissing me and then taking Leah and giving her a kiss. "And you lovey look beautiful too, yes you do." He said in his baby voice which I found absolutely cute. 

"I have some news for you." Okay so I can't wait with knowing his whole family knows and not him. "Oh yeah what is it?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Well I don't want this to affect your decision to leave after this season because I don't want you to, but I'm pregnant again." I said and I don't think his smile could get any bigger. 

"Wait are you serious?" He said and I laughed. "Dead serious, this little one is going to be a big sister!" I said and tears welled up in his eyes and he wasn't any happier in this moment than his whole entire life. He loved being a dad more than anything in the world and he's always wanted kids. 

"I'm so happy right now. I don't even care about the game at this point, all I care about is you, Leah and our little baby." He said as he kissed me and I heard a camera go off. I looked over and saw Lindsey taking pictures of us. "Send some to me." I said and she smiled and nodded.

"So when are you due?" He asked as we walked into the ballpark. "March." "So around spring training? That's better than the season." He said with a smile. "So you're going to keep playing?" I asked as we stopped in front of the clubhouse. 

"For you, Leah and our little one. I'm going to keep playing. I know I have so much to offer as I'm still at such a young age. I know what I would give up if I left and I now know I'm not ready to and I don't want you to have to work with two kids and be a single mother half the time when I'm on the road. I just want you to be happy." He said as he cupped my face with his free hand. 

"Dansby, I'm happy with you and Leah, no matter what you do, I would support your decision 100%, but this one I'm supporting with all my heart." I said with a laugh. He leaned down and kissed me. "Mama, dada." Leah said trying to hug both of us at the same time and it was nothing but cute.

"We love you too Leah, are you ready to be a big sister?" Dansby asked and her face lit up. "Yes yes yes." She said and we both laughed. Our little family was just about to grow by two little feet and we are so blessed. I was about to officially become a Swanson in just two days and I couldn't be happier. 

As I sat down in my seat to watch the game, I took one of Lindsey's pictures and put in on Instaram. 

"TaylorReene: As I'm sitting here waiting to watch you play in your second All Star game, I couldn't help but post about how proud of you I am. Not just as a player, but as my very soon to be husband and as a daddy. This was the moment I told you that you were going to be a daddy for the second time. I can't wait to watch Leah become a big sister and you to be a Daddy to a little boy or girl. Secretly hoping its a boy. I love you so much Dans, forever and always."

A/N: This book has one more chapter left in it! It's the wedding and I can't wait to write it!

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