Chapter 31

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I'm currently on the way to the dugout when I saw Jace getting ready to bat in my spot. "Yo coach, why is Jace batting in my spot?" I said going over to him getting pissed because I knew he was taking me out of the game. 

He pulled me down into the tunnel and he was as white as a ghost. "You need to leave." He said. "What do you mean? Am I ejected or something?" I asked confused as to what was going on. "No, you need to go back to Atlanta. Freddie called while you were playing and I've been alerted that Taylor has been shot and is in surgery. You need to go home." 

My face went pale and I couldn't speak, Taylor had been shot? Oh once I get my hands on Ryan he's a dead man if he isn't already. I thanked him and ran off to the locker room to get my things and go back to the hotel and collect my things. 

I got into a cab and headed straight to the airport and got on the private jet the Braves had set up for me once they got word I needed to be home fast. It's a good thing we were in Miami, otherwise this would be a long plane ride home. 

We got home in an hour and a half and I rushed my way to the hospital. "Hi, I'm looking for Taylor Mitchell. I'm her finacé Dansby Swanson." I said out of breath due to running in here. "It looks like she's still in surgery. Do you want to wait in the waiting room?" She asked nicely. 

"I actually know people on the maternity ward, is it okay if I go up there and wait with them?" I asked. "Yeah, what's her name?" She asked getting ready to type. "Chelsea Freeman." 

"She's in room 404 A, you're free to go up there and I'll send someone up there with updates for you." "Thank you so much." I said before I left going up to her room. 

"Oh Dansby." Chelsea said when she saw me walk into the room. I went over and gave her a hug. "Is this the little guy?" I asked taking Charlie away from her. "Isn't he a cutie? How are you?" She asked. I sighed and thought about it. 

"Not okay, I found out Taylor was in surgery and my heart just broke, did they get Ryan?" I asked bouncing Charlie in my arms. "Yeah, he's dead and I know she's still in surgery, we've been getting updates and we've called yours and her parents and they're here somewhere." She said and as I was about to respond, Freddie, my parents, her parents and Leah all came through the door. 

I handed Freddie Charlie so I could take my own baby in my arms. "Oh Leah, daddy is so happy to see you." I said kissing her forehead which made her giggle which was music to my ears. "Has anyone got an update lately?" Her mom asked. 

"When I got here she was still in surgery so, no not really." I said as I bounced Leah in my lap. I was beyond nervous to find out if Taylor was going to be okay or not. "We're going to sue that guy who shot her." My mom said. 

"You can't he's dead. I'm sure you can sue his estate though. Which probably isn't much." I said and she sighed, we all wanted justice for Taylor, but right now all we cared about was her and her well being right now. 

"Family of Taylor Mitchell?" The doctor asked as he came through the door. "I mean you can consider us all her family. I'm her finacé and this is her daughter." I said standing up and he sighed and came into the room and shut the door, I feel like this isn't going to be good news at all. 

"So she is out of surgery and alive, which is a good sign. She did lose a lot of blood from where he shot her, he got her good. She is in a coma, I don't know how long it will last, but we should just be happy that she is alive." He said and I sighed. He is right, we should be happy that she is alive. 

"She's in room 205, you can go see her shortly." He said exiting the room and we thanked him. "Like he said, be thankful she's alive and Ryan is dead." My dad said coming over and rubbing my shoulders. "I don't want Leah seeing her right now, not with all the tubes and not being awake." I said standing up getting ready to go see Taylor. 

"We'll take her so you and her parents can go see her first." My mom said taking Leah from me. "I love you both, I don't know what I'd do without you." I said hugging my mom and dad. I said goodbye to Chelsea and Freddie and we went down to Taylor's room. 

I almost bursted into tears at the sight of her with tubes coming in and out of her body. I sighed and gained my composure as I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand and rubbed it trying to find words to say to her. 

"Baby girl, I'm just happy to see your face. After skipper told me what happened, I thought I was going to lose you for good. I can't believe you got shot by that bastard but I'm just happy that he's dead and you're alive. I can't lose you, so if you can hear me, please give me a sign so I know that you're still here with us and not brain dead." I said as I ran my free hand through my hair. 

She squeezed my hand. "She squeezed my hand!" I said to her parents and they gave me a small smile. "Look." Her dad said pointing to her and I looked and she was opening her eyes. "Go get the doctor!" I said and they went off. 

"Don't try to talk princess. It's going hurt, but it's all going okay, I love you baby." I said and she sent me a weak smile before closing her eyes and then the machines started going crazy. 

"CODE BLUE IN ROOM 205. CODE BLUE!" The nurse said coming into the room and basically pushing me out. The tears were flowing from eyes as I watched them do everything they can to save her. 

They wheeled her out of the room and the doctor came up to us. "She has another bleed and we have to go in and fix it. We'll update you as soon as we can." He said before walking away from us. 

I watched as they wheeled the love of my life away from me and I pray that she makes it through this.

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