Chapter 3

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Tonight was the night I was going over to Dansby's house for our second date. I mean I think staying at his house is better than going out. 

They were playing against the Mets tonight and then they leave on Tuesday after their game. 

"Taylor!" I heard throughout my house. Ugh, why did I give Maci the spare key to my apartment? "In bed!" I yelled back. I heard her footsteps and soon enough, she was in my room. 

"What do you want?" I asked looking at the time, 9:45 A.M. She rolled her eyes at me. "I'm here to help you get ready for tonight." She stated matter of factly. 

I rolled my eyes at her. It was way too early for this. "Maci, the game isn't until 4, why?" I asked sitting up and staring at her. 

"You need to look your best for Dansby!" She said going into my closet and picking out an outfit for me. She came back out with a way too revealing crop top and high waisted shorts that showed my ass. 

"Nope." I said shaking my head at that outfit. "Why not, it's hot!" She said whining at me. "I'm not trying to seduce him this early, put that back and I'll pick out my outfit." I said to her and she groaned and trudged back to my closet to put the outfit away. 

I got out of bed and grabbed my phone and checked to see if I had any messages, I did, from Dansby. 

Dansbae: Good morning beautiful, red or white wine?

Me: Good morning Dans, and it really depends on what we're having for dinner.

Dansbae: If you must know; steak, mashes potatoes and a vegetable of your choice(;

Me: Red then and corn.

Dansbae: Sounds good, see you at the game beautiful.

I smiled and went into my bathroom and got into the shower and did my usual routine. I'm already getting butterflies to see Dansby again.

Normally this doesn't happen when I go on dates with guys, but no other guys has invited me over to their house and offered to cook me dinner for our second date. 

This is something I've never done before, so I'm kind of nervous to see how it goes. I'm starting to really like Dansby, I don't want to be the one to mess it up.

I got out of the shower and dried off and put on some sweatpants and a random t-shirt and went downstairs to find Maci still sitting on my couch. "Oh good, you're out, now I have company!" She said and I laughed and sat down next to her. 

"Am I bringing you to the stadium?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm going home with Jace tonight." She said with a wink and I shook my head. "Oh are you two finally going to do it?" I asked with a laugh. 

"Duh, I have everything planned out." She said. I shook my head. Whenever I have sex with Dansby, I don't want it to be planned out, I just want it to happen, naturally and not have it be wicked awkward. 

We binge watches shows on Netflix until around 2 when I started getting ready for the game/date. I straightened my hair and did some makeup (I'm nota big makeup kind of girl). I put on some black jeans with rips in places, a white cami and my new Swanson jersey, thanks to Dansby. 

I put on some white converse and grabbed another top to wear at Dansby's. I grabbed everything I needed and put it in my bag and went downstairs to see Maci ready as well, sporting her Jace jersey. 

"Ready?" I asked grabbing my keys and she nodded and we went out to my car and took the drive to the stadium. (Car in media) It may not be a fancy car, but I love it. 

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