Chapter 6

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The cancer right now is the least of my worries, everything has been going fine, I'm losing my hair but I kept all my wigs and I can't wait to wear them again. 

The biggest thing I'm worried about is my parents meeting Dansby for the first time today at his game. I couldn't wait to see him. They got home a couple of days ago, but I was going through chemo these past couple days, so I'm now good enough to go out and watch my guy play. 

They were swept by the Brewers and now it was onto a 3 game series against the Marlins and it's Firework night at the stadium and I couldn't wait to be in Dansby's arms again. 

"Taylor, are you sure you're good enough to go out today?" My mom asked coming into my room while I was getting ready. I shot her a smile. "Of course, I really want you guys to meet Dansby and I miss him." I said and she smiled. 

"You really like this boy don't you?" She asked and I nodded sitting next to her on the bed. "He's a sweetheart momma, you'll really like him. He makes me really happy and I haven't been this happy in a long time." I said and she gave me a hug. 

"It makes me happy just to see you this happy. I remember everything you went through with Ryan and I swear if this guys hurts you like he does, I will hurt him." She said and I laughed. 

"I don't think he has any intention of hurting me like Ryan did. He doesn't seem like that type of guy." I said and then my dad called us from downstairs informing us it was time to go. 

I grabbed my bag and mom and I went downstairs and we all climbed into dads car and went off to the ball park. I was getting butterflies because of how nervous I was to see Dansby again. 

Every question went through my mind: what if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he wants out? What if he doesn't like my hair anymore?

But the thing that kept running through my mind is what he told me the day he left, we'll get through this together princess.

I couldn't wait to see his face and that smile again. It makes me giddy to see him. I'm like a little kid on Christmas when I get to see him again. We pulled into the family lot since Dansby had given us passes for before the game to come onto the field. 

We walked through the clubhouse and I said hi to some of the guys and they all told me Dansby was taking BP so we went onto the field and major butterflies erupted in my stomach when I saw him for the first time. 

After he took a swing he looked over and saw me and got the biggest smile on his face and he motioned for the pitcher to stop and he dropped his bat and came over to me and give me a hug. 

"What happened to your hair babe?" He asked petting what was left of it. "Chemo does that to you, but now, I get to experience all my wigs again. You'll have a new looking girlfriend every day basically." I said with a laugh and he laughed along. 

"Oh Dansby, these are my parents Michael and Jane. Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Dansby." My mom pulled him into a hug, that's just how she is and my dad shook his hand and gave him the look. 

The look was 'you hurt my daughter, I'll kill you.' Dansby nodded knowing what that look meant.  My parents walked away to talk to his coach and he pulled me further away from them. "Don't you think it's a little too soon for me to be meeting them?" Dansby asked. 

I was shocked at his words. "No, I really wanted you to meet them. They're my biggest support system through all this besides you, I need them when you're on long road trips and away from me." I said hurt at what he said. 

"Well you could've at least warned me you were bringing them." He said running this hand through his hair. "Dans, I did. About 10 times while you were away." I said looking at him funny. 

"I just forgot, okay? Now you should go. It's almost time for the game. I'll see you for fireworks." He said kissing my cheek and going into the dugout. 

That was odd of him, he's never acted like that before and I honestly don't like it one bit to be honest. I sighed and walked back over to my parents who were now talking to Freddie and his wife. 

They both gave me hugs when I walked over to them and we chatted a little bit before it was actually time for us to get off the field and go to our seats. The game went by effortlessly and Dansby did amazing. 

We won 4-2 and Dansby was the victim in yet another gatorade bath and it made me laugh to see his flow all wet. We were then escorted on the field where the other wives, girlfriends and families were for the fireworks. 

We ended up sitting with Chelsea and Charlie while waiting for Freddie and Dansby. They both walked over at the same time and sat down with us. I was playing with Charlie and Dansby had the biggest smile on his face. 

"You want kids some day?" He asked and I smiled. "A little too soon for that talk don't you think?" I said with a laugh. "No, I'm just asking, I never asked you before if you did or not, still trying to get to know you here." He said nudging my shoulder and laughing. 

"Yes, I do want kids some day. 3 maybe 4. But I'd be content with two if I had one of each. If I had two of the same gender, then I'd go for three and same goes for four. How about you?" I asked him. 

"I agree, 3 maybe 4." He said with a smile and then kissing me and that's when the fireworks started. They were so beautiful and I couldn't wait to see more of these after every Friday night at home once a month. 

I could get used to this, sitting on the field with the guy I really like and his teammates and my parents. I really hope this feeling with Dansby doesn't go away any time soon and I hope I kick this cancer's ass this time around.

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