Chapter 30

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Chelsea has been in labor for a good twenty-four hours now and Freddie got here tow hours ago, but she wasn't letting me leave. She claims that I've helped her with everything so I get to stay, which I was kind of happy about. I wanted to get out of the house without being scared to do so and this way my only way out. 

I've been keeping in touch with my parents and they say Leah is doing great and Dansby is playing okay right now, it's still the beginning of the season, so we can't say much yet. 

"Alright Chelsea, are you ready to push?" The doctor said coming into the room and Chelsea nodded her head as fast as she could. "I'm so ready. Taylor, you're staying in here, you've done this before so help me." She said and I laughed. 

"Whatever you want Chels." I said grabbing ahold of her hand and bracing myself for her to squeeze it. And man oh man did she ever. Twenty minutes later, the room was filled with Charlie's cries and it was the sweetest sound ever. 

I took photos once they put him on her chest and she cried and I'm sure that I cried a couple of times too. It's the most precious moment in a mothers life and I'm glad I got to witness Chelsea's. 

"Thank you for being here." Freddie said coming over and giving me a hug. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. It was an awesome experience, especially since I wasn't the one in the bed this time." I said with a laugh. "Mind if I post this picture?" I said showing Freddie the picture. 

"Yes, cause I'm going to post the same one soon." He said and I nodded and opened up Instagram. 

"TaylorRenee: I got to be apart of this little man's birth today and it was the most amazing experience I've ever been apart of. Congrats to Chelsea and Freddie, this little man is going to be a charmer!" (Picture in media) 

I went into the hallway because Dansby was calling me. "Hey how are you?" He asked once I answered the phone. "Truthfully, tired as hell. I've been up with Chelsea ever since we got here and I can't wait to go home and sleep." I said and he laughed. 

"Now you know how I felt when you were in labor." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you still weren't the one pushing the baby out of you." "Have you heard from the lawyer yet?" 

"No I haven't, I'm scared to go outside now because of Ryan. I'm sure he has guys everywhere that can see me and possibly kill me at any time." I said with a sigh. "I don't want you hurt babe, Leah and I need you." I didn't want to cry, but I needed to. I had been so strong about this, it was time for me to break. 

"Baby, don't cry. I don't like it when you cry and I can't be there to comfort you." I coughed and tried to regain my composure. "I know but why me? Why does he have to do this to me and our little family? I didn't hurt him, he hurt me." 

"I know babe, I wish it wasn't us but it is and we're going to get through this together okay?" He asked and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I know babe, I love you and I can't wait to see you when you get home." 

"I love you too Tay, see you soon." As soon as I hung up with Dansby, my lawyer called me. "Please tell me you have good news." I said as I picked up the phone. "Actually I do not have good news for you I'm sorry." 

"Alright give it to me." I said preparing for the worst. "He escaped from jail." My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Wait what?" I didn't believe him at first. "I got word this morning that he escaped from jail and he knows where you are. I've alerted the hospital already and they're sending the SWAT team because he has a gun. I'm on my way there now, so I'll be with you if anything happens." 

Jesus christ, this day just got a whole lot worse. "Alright see you soon. I'm on the maternity floor with Chelsea." I said and we hung up and I went back into Chelsea's room. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Freddie said as I sat down next to him. 

"Ryan escaped from jail and he's coming here, with a gun." I said and they both gasped. "You're kidding?" Chelsea said. "I wish I was. I was just on the phone with Dansby and my lawyer called me and told me everything. He's alerted the hospital and the SWAT team is on their way here." 

"I'm so sorry this has to happen to you." Freddie said giving me a side hug. "I wish this wasn't happening to me." Just then a nurse came into the room. "There's a shooter in the hospital and he's on this floor and he knows someone on this floor he said." She said and I knew it was Ryan. 

"Alert the cops to get up to this floor immediately. I know who he is. He's my ex boyfriend coming to look for me." I said and she nodded and left. "I love the both of you okay, if I die today, tell Dansby and Leah that I love him." I said giving them both hugs. 

"Are you crazy? You're not going out there!" Chelsea said. "I'd rather go out there than have him come in here and put you guys in danger. I love you both." I said grabbing my things and going out there. 

"Oh look who it is." I heard as soon as I got out of the room. I took in a deep breath and turned towards Ryan. "Oh I could say the same thing." He smiled and came towards me and I looked around and I saw the SWAT team out of the corner of my eye and I knew I was somewhat safe. 

"You do know you still have a restraining order against me and can't come within 10 feet of me." I said and he stopped dead in his tracks and raised his gun. I wasn't scared, I knew he didn't want me dead, he was just going to shoot me in my stomach. 

"Oh baby, I wish I didn't have to do this, but you've left me no choice." He said and that's when I felt the sharpest pain in my stomach that I've ever felt and then there were noises, I knew they got Ryan and then I was being helped. 

Then everything went black.

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