Chapter 7

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"Dansby have you seen my new wig?" I yelled throughout my apartment. "Yeah I have it down here!" He yelled back.

Today was my last day of Chemo before finding out if it had worked and the cancer is gone, or if I have to keep going on with it. It was Dansby's day off and I was glad he was finally home with me to go with me to this appointment.

I went downstairs and grabbed the wig from him and secured it on top of my head. "You look hot as a blonde." He said kissing me. "Why thank you, but I like my red hair and I can't wait till it grows back." I said with a laugh while grabbing my bag.

We went out to his truck and went off to the hospital for my treatment. After the Chemo was all done, I went upstairs to get a CAT Scan and an MRI and some blood work done to see if everything was gone.

We waited about an hour before the doctor came back. "Alright Taylor, I have the best news for you, you're cancer free, but just another warning like I gave you the last time, it still might come back." He said and I sighed the biggest sigh of relief I think I've ever done.

I thanked him and gave him a hug and I gave Dansby the biggest hug ever. "I'm so proud of you babe." He said as we were walking out of the hospital. "I couldn't have done it without your support and my parents." I said as I climbed into the truck.

"Tonight, we celebrate. Fancy date. You deserve this." He said and I smiled. "Don't spoil me Dans, I don't want to be spoiled." I said and he laughed. "You deserve to be spoiled princess, just let it happen." He said.

I sighed and just nodded my head and let it happen. He dropped me off at my apartment and told me he would pick me up at 7:30. I went into my apartment and called my parents to let them know I was Cancer free and then I called Maci to tell her the same.

I honestly can't thank my parents enough for all they've done for me though both times with the Cancer, I honestly have the best parents out there.

I decided to hop in the shower and start getting ready for the date tonight. I still get butterflies when he takes me on dates and spoils me, I'm not used to this life quite yet, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. (outfit in media.)

I decided on my brown wig tonight and styled it to make it look like it wasn't really a wig. There was a knock on my door around 7:20. I grabbed my purse and went to open it and I saw Dansby standing there with a dozen roses and him in a tux.

"Wow Taylor, you look absolutely beautiful." He said handing me the roses and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You don't look so bad yourself Dansby." I said walking into the kitchen to put the roses in a vase. 

He led me out to his truck and off to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. I sighed knowing that Ryan, my ex, still worked here and I was very weary at the fact that he could possibly be our waiter. 

Sure enough, we were sat down and the person I was not willing to see showed up at our table to take our drink order. 

"Taylor? Is that you?" Ryan said and I looked at Dansby who had a confused look on his face. I sighed. "Yes Ryan it's me." 

He smiled. "Wow, you've never looked better. How have you been?" He asked, he was trying to sweet talk me, this is what he always does every time he has seen me after our breakup. "I'm good, just went through another round of Cancer and beat it so theres that." I said. 

He was the only boyfriend, besides Dansby, that had known about my cancer. I knew Dansby was getting agitated at the fact we were talking, so I'm putting an end to this. 

"Can you just take our drink order please?" I said looking at him and he nodded. He barely even acknowledged Dansby and I knew with the look on Ryan's face, he wasn't happy that I was on a date again. 

"How many times have you seen him since you've broken up?" Dansby asked. "Only a few times in the city, he lives down here so I've seen him on the street. He tries to sweet talk me back into his life every time I do and it gets annoying." I said and leaned back and Dansby got up and went somewhere. 

I knew this was going to happen, this was supposed to be a happy dinner, instead my ex boyfriend is freaking ruining my life like he has already in the past. Dansby came back and held out his hand for me to grab and took me out to the roof top. 

"Dans, what are we doing up here?" I said looking out to the skyline. "I went to the manager and told him about your situation with our waiter and he said this was for us, on the house." He said with a smile and I smiled and kissed him.  

"Thank you Dansby, this was very sweet of you." I said sitting down at the table that was set for us. I can't believe he did this, all because he knew I was uncomfortable with Ryan being here. 

"You know, I can't repay you for all this." I said taking a bite of my food. "You really don't have to Taylor, I care for you a lot and I would do anything for you." He said. That's the first time any guy has ever told me that he's really cared for me and meant it. 

I could tell he meant it by the look of sincerity on his face and I couldn't be more content with my life right now. 

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