Chapter 16

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It's the middle of January and to be honest, things are rough. Ever since we got the puppy, we've been fighting like we're parents of newborns and neither of us seem to care for each other anymore. 

I don't know what it is, but I hate this new side of Dansby. He's become aggressive towards me, honestly when we fight I think he's going to abuse me in any way he can. 

Even on Christmas, my family was over and we fought in front of everyone and I sat upstairs in our room the rest of the day because I couldn't stand to be around anyone. I've been having horrible mood swings and I've been sick on and off.

So today, I'm going to the doctors to figure everything out. I just want today to be peaceful because I can't stand fighting with Dansby anymore and I'm just scared of him when he gets mad. 

My doctors appointment was at 11 so I got up at 9:30 and got ready. (outfit in media). I have also gained a little bit of weight since Christmas, but that's just because of all the food I ate, right? It's not like Dansby points it out everyday and makes me feel like shit about it. 

He's become the most horrible person ever to me and I don't know how I haven't left him yet. I truly do care for Dansby, I just don't know how much longer I can take of this attitude of his. 

I put both of the dogs in their cages and gave them treats and went off to my doctors appointment. I would normally have Lindsey go with me, but I wanted to do this one on my own. 

"Taylor McKay." The nurse said taking me out of my daydreaming and bringing me back to the room. She did all the random stuff, I peed in a cup, took my temperature, looked in my ears and throat and took my blood pressure. 

She left and the doctor came in soon after she left. "Well what brings you here today?" the doctor asked me. "Well I've been having horrible mood swings, I've been puking on and off for the past three days and I've gained a little bit of weight since Christmas and New Years." 

He nodded and wrote things down. "Now when was your last period?" He asked and I was thinking about it and honestly, it was before Christmas. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Uh, before Christmas. Now I think I answered my own questions of why I came here today." I said and he smiled. 

"That you did Ms. McKay. You indeed are pregnant, we took a test for you when you peed in the cup for us and it was positive. Congrats. You can go over to the OBGYN unit and get an ultrasound done today." He said shaking my hand and leaving the room. 

I just said on the bed for a good two minutes thinking about how this was even possible. Maybe the condom broke? Maybe my birth control failed? All I know is that I'm screwed when it comes time to telling Dansby. 

I grabbed my things and went over to the OBGYN and waited to get an ultrasound. Dansby hadn't been home this morning when I left, so he's probably home wondering where the hell I am. I'm shocked he hasn't texted me. 

The nurse called me back and the doctor came right in since they didn't have to do all the fun stuff since I just got it done. She put the cold gel on my stomach and moved it around and I saw my baby and I couldn't help but get emotional. 

"Now it's still very early, so there are complications that could happen. Just don't put any other stress on yourself. I'm going to prescribe prenatal vitamins for you. You're due around September 21st." She smiled at me and handed me a prescription and the pictures. 

I thanked her and made another appointment for next month. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. I shouldn't be bringing a baby into the mess me and Dansby were in, but I had no choice. 

I picked up my phone once I got into the car and called Lindsey. "Hey, how'd everything go?" She asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Good, but uhm, I'm pregnant." I said and she let out a gasp. 

"You're pregnant?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm due in September. Lindsey what am I going to do?! I can't bring a baby into the mess me and Dansby are in."  I said leaning my head against the steering wheel. 

"Maybe this will bring you guys back together." She said and I sighed. "Or maybe it will just tear us farther apart, I wanna get home so I can tell him, I'll call you later and tell you how everything goes." I said and we said our goodbyes and we hung up. 

I went off to CVS to get my prescription and then went right home to see that Dansby was home and probably going to yell at me for not being there. I walked in the door, trying to be as quiet as I could but with two dogs, nothing is quiet. 

"Where were you?" Dansby said from the couch. "My doctors appointment." I said walking into the kitchen and I knew he was following me now. "What's wrong with you?" He said sternly. I just turned around and handed him the pictures and walked away. 

I went up to our room and took a prenatal vitamin that I was supposed to and laid on the bed. I had shut the door and when I heard it open, I knew Dansby was finally ready to talk. He came over and sat on the other end of the bed. 

"You're pregnant?"He asked quietly and I just nodded my head at him. He sighed and put the pictures on the night stand. "Is it mine?" He asked and I scoffed. "Yes it's yours. I haven't slept with anyone else since I've been with you." I said turning over and looking at him. 

"I'm sorry. When are you due?" He asked, at least he wasn't yelling at me telling me to get out of his house or something like that. "Around September 21st, babies never come on their due date." I said and he smiled. 

"Are you happy?" He asked and I sighed. "Dansby, are you happy? That's the real question. If we're going to keep fighting like we're fighting, then I don't want to bring a baby into this mess we're in. It's not fair to the baby." I said. 

He looked defeated. We both know that the fighting had been pointless but neither of us seemed to care. He scooted over closer to me and pulled me into his arms, damn, it felt great to just not fight for once. 

"I am very happy. I can't wait to have kids with you princess. I'm sorry for everything that I've said to you, you know how much you mean to me. I love you Taylor." He said kissing the side of my head. 

I sighed and laid my head on his chest. "I love you too Dansby." Well that could've gone a totally different way, but I'm glad it didn't. 

I can't believe we're having a baby together. 

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