Chapter 26

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Day two in Cabo and I'm already severely hungover. Like badly. Last night we all went out for Maci's bachelorette party and Chelsea had to basically take care of all of us like we were her children last night. 

"Oh my god, what the hell happened in here?" I said walking out into the living room of our suite which was a wreck and Chelsea just laughed. "You didn't do anything, you just stumbled to our room and passed right out. The other three on the other hand came back and partied until the sun came up and trashed the place." She said. 

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water. "Want to head out to breakfast?" I asked looking at Chelsea and she nodded. "You might want to go redo yourself." She said with a laugh and I looked down on myself and boy she was right. 

I went into our room and got changed and cleaned myself up. (outfit in media) "If I can have a body like you after having a baby, my life will be complete." She said as soon as she saw me. "Just work out when you can I guess, that's what I did." I said with a laugh as we left the three probably still drunks sleeping in the room. 

On the way to the restaurant she filled me in on everything that happened, including Maci cheating on Jace with some guy. "I can't believe she did that. I hope she plans on telling Jace, cause if she doesn't I will." I said taking a sip of my mimosa. 

They say the cure to a hangover is to drink more, so that's what I'm doing. "I know and drunk her told me last night that she wasn't so I don't even know if sober her knows what she did." Chelsea said and I just sighed. This was just like Maci, when she would get too comfortable with a guy, she would get trashed and cheat on him. 

I hated the fact that it was Dansby's best friend on the team too. Speaking of Dansby, he was calling me. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I asked as I answered the phone. "I wish you were here, it's lonely here without you, even though I have my parents. But I;m good, how's Cabo?" He asked. 

"It's good, we all got hammered last night but Chelsea kept some of us in line." I said with a laugh and she laughed too. "What do you mean some of you?" I looked at Chelsea and she nodded meaning that I could tell him what Maci did. 

"Well uhm, apparently Maci cheated on Jace last night." I said. "No she fucking didn't. Can I kill her?" He said and I sighed. "No but I want to so bad. Jace doesn't deserve that at all." I said taking a bite of my food and Chelsea was shaking her head, I knew this was going to happen, I just hoped that it wouldn't. 

"Can I at least tell Jace then? I don't want him with her anymore. She's a whore, I'm sorry that she's your best friend and everything but she doesn't deserve someone as good as him." He said. "If you would like to tell him you can, but I know it's going to get back to her and she's going to come after me for it though." I said. 

"I don't care, she hurt him. I can't have that happen to him. I'm gonna call him and I'll talk to you later babe, I love you." He said. "I love you too Dansby." I said hanging up. "This is going to be a shit show when we get back to the hotel." Chelsea said and I nodded. 

"Oh yeah it is and it's going to be a shit show." I said as we finished our breakfast, slowly making our way back to the room and when we got outside the door we heard screaming. Chelsea and I looked at each other and she opened the door first. 

"YOU!" Maci said as she saw me and started charging at me but Ashley held her back. "YOU TOLD JACE THAT I CHEATED ON HIM AND NOW THE WEDDINGS OFF YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH WHAT IF I DID THAT TO YOU AND TOLD DANSBY YOU CHEATED ON HIM AND RUINED YOUR ENGAGEMENT?!" I'm sure we would get complaints but she didn't care about that. 

"I didn't actually tell Jace. I told Dansby who told Jace and maybe you shouldn't have gotten so trashed that you did that. I would never cheat on Dansby, he's my heart and soul and we have a child together, so I wouldn't put her in the middle of that." I said as calmly as I could staying by Chelsea. 

"You're such a horrible friend, why would you do this to me?"She said with tears running down her face. "Because you weren't going to tell Jace either way and have him marry you without knowing what you did here. You deserve this Maci, I hate to say it but you do." 

She sighed. "I don't want to fucking talk to you or look at you anymore. You're not my friend anymore." She said walking into her room and slamming the door. I sighed and Chelsea looked at me. "You did the right thing babe, I'm always here for you." She said giving me a hug. 

"She's right, you did do the right thing. Jace deserves way better than Maci, don't tell her I said that though. I'm glad she's going to be out of the WAGs now. No one really liked her." Ashley said while giving me a hug. 

I sighed and I called Dansby back. "So how did everything go?" He asked while I was sitting down on my balcony. "Well she hates me and never wants to look at me ever again but the girls said I did the right thing." 

"But you just told me, I'm the one that told him." He said and I laughed. "I know I did, but how is Jace?" I asked listening to the waves and putting my feet on the railing. "He's distraught. Badly. He's actually here right now laying next to me." I couldn't believe he was there. 

"Put him on." I said and I hear some shuffling and then Jace was on the phone. "Hey Jace. Look I know you probably don't want to talk but just listen to me. I know what Maci did was horrible and I'm not sticking up for her or anything but this is what she does. If I knew she was going to do this to you, I would've told you from the beginning but I thought she would be different with you. I'm sorry this had to happen to you, you're still my guy Jace, besides Dansby of course. Don't be down too long, the right girl will come very shortly." I said and he sighed. 

"Thanks Taylor it means a lot to me." We talked for a few more minutes before he put Dansby back on the line. "I should get going babe, we have dinner reservations." I said while getting up. "Alright babe, I love you and I'll see you soon." 

"I love you too Dansby and I'll see you soon."

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