Chapter 33

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TAYLOR'S POV (back to itttt)

I'm finally home, thank god I was getting tired of that hospital and I'm officially out of the woods, Dansby is back playing baseball and doing better than ever. It's probably because he knows I'm safe and that I'm home. 

I'm mobile, which is a good thing. I don't need physical therapy which is good, I just need to be extra careful with things, like picking up Leah, I can't do it much, so my parents have been staying with me when Dansby has games and when he's on road trips. 

"Come one Leah, say momma." I said as I sat on the couch watching her play with her toys on the floor. She looked up at me and gave me her toothless smile which was the cutest thing ever and I just couldn't help but take a picture and share it for the world to see. 

"TaylorRenee: Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen?!"

She has so much of Dansby in her and I couldn't wait to see her personality grow even more than it has since we brought her home. "Taylor, how you doing honey?" My mom asked as she walked through the door. "I feel good momma, today's a good day." I said with a smile. 

"Ma-ma." I heard from the floor and tears came to my eyes. "Oh my god! She just said her first words!" I said looking at my mom with a smile who also had some tears in her eyes. "I can't believe that I just witnessed that. It's such a big time! Before you know it, she won't stop talking!" She said picking up Leah and placing her on the couch next to me. 

My phone rang next to me and Dansby was FaceTiming me. "Where's my little cutie pie?" He said as I answered and I showed him Leah. "Say dada." I said and she smiled and attempted to say it. "Da-da." She said and I couldn't help but cry again. 

"Is that her first words?" He said and I knew he wanted to cry too. "No, she actually just said mama before you called. I get bragging rights!" I said with a laugh. "Yes yes you do babe. How are you?" He asked as I turned the phone back to me and let Leah play with my mom. 

"I'm alright, today is one of the best days I've had since I've been home. I feel great today. I just wish you were here to see how good I feel." I said pouting. "I know, but you're glowing, I can tell how happy you are by just looking at you through a phone screen. I can't wait to come home and experience everything with you again, I miss you." 

I sighed and watched Leah crawl around the living room with Bentley and Riley right by her side. "I miss you too Dansby,  nothing is the same without you here. It's not home unless you're in it." I said, I hated when he had to go on road trips, but I knew that it was his job.

"I'm thinking about retiring." He said and I was shocked at his words. "Are you nuts?" I said to him and he sighed. "I'm missing out on all of Leah's firsts, I want to be there for all of it and to be there for you while you're recovering so that your parents don't have to be there all the time." He said. 

I didn't know where this was coming, but I didn't like what was coming out of his mouth. "No, you're not retiring. You love baseball and it's your life, you can't quit what makes you happy." I said. "You and Leah make me happy and I love the two of you and you are my life. I don't come home to baseball, I come home to you two and the dogs." 

"Dansby, you're not retiring, end of story. This is your job and I'm not letting you give up your dream for Leah and I. It's crazy that you're thinking like this babe." I said. "Taylor, do you realize how much better life would be if I was home 24/7? You wouldn't be a single mom half the time doing everything on your own." 

"I would have to work if you quit your job Dansby! You allow me to have the freedom to be at home with Leah all the time and I can't be any more thankful for your job. Yes, it does suck when you're away, but you make up for it the moment you come home from a home stand. You'd be making the biggest mistake of your life if you retired at your age and you know that you'll regret it." I said and he let out a frustrated sigh. 

"I don't want to fight with you, I just wanted to discuss it with you to see what you thought about it and now that I know, I know that you would rather have me playing baseball and living out my dream while you stay home and take care of our daughter." He said obviously annoyed with me. 

"Dansby, I love you. Just think about what you're willing to do for your life and your beloved fans. I'll talk to you later alright, play good for us tonight." "I love you too Taylor, give Leah and your mom my love." He said and then we hung up. 

I couldn't believe that he was willing to sacrifice everything for Leah and I. Was it selfish of me to say that I didn't have to work because of him and that I can stay home everyday and take care of our daughter? 

I'm so thankful for everything that Dansby does for our little family and I wish that I could work like he does and provide even more for my little family but he always said that he would take care of us with playing and he has, but with him thinking about retiring, is it time for me to think about going back to work? 

I don't want him to give up on his dream of playing for the Braves, I'd hate myself for it every day. He can't do this, he just can't.

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