Chapter 12

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It was the last game of the season, the last game at Turner Field. The guys were beyond sad that this park was closing, but beyond excited for the new park to open in the spring. 

Since the All Star Break, all I've been doing is working and saving up enough money to go on vacation with Dansby after the season is over. I've even brought in some of the guys to the hospital to make kids dreams come true and it was amazing to watch the smiles on the kids faces when the guys walked in. 

My hair is fully grown and I couldn't be happier to have my hair back, I'm not naturally a red head, I'm a brunette so the first thing I did was get my hair died and I couldn't be any more satisfied with how it came out. 

"Honey, have you seen my cleats?" Dansby yelled out from up in his bedroom. "They're down by the garage door!" I yelled back to him. I haven't fully moved in yet, but my stuff is slowly making its way into Dansby's apartment. 

He asked me to move in about a month ago and I wasn't keen on the idea being that we've only been together since May, but hey, I'm not complaining any more because I really love him. 

We haven't had sex, but I think tonight will be the night that happens. He's been so patient with me, I can tell he's getting frustrated with it, so I'll give in and finally have sex with him. I mean, I'm getting frustrated too. 

He came rushing downstairs. "I'm heading to he ballpark babe, I'll see you there?" He asked kissing me on the forehead. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said with a smile. He kissed my lips and went off to the ballpark. 

I sighed and closed my laptop and went upstairs to his, I mean, our bedroom, it still feels weird to say our bedroom. I hopped into the shower, making sure to shave all the right parts to look amazing for Dansby tonight. 

I was going to be home before him tonight so I didn't have to worry about looking good right now. I threw on some jeans and my Dansby jersey and some boots. It was getting a little cold here in Atlanta, something that doesn't happen often. 

I fed Bentley and went off to the stadium. Once I got there, the guys were taking their final picture on the field and the wives and girlfriends were just sitting in the stands. I went and sat next to Chelsea and Charlie and his face instantly lit up when he saw me and I took him from Chelsea and started to play with him. 

"You're a natural with kids." She said to me and I smiled. "I love working with kids, it's what I do for a living, just they're hooked up to machines and it's somewhat sad." I said and she laughed. "That's true, but you're going to be a great mom, have you thought about kids?"

"I have, but it's too early for that with Dansby, we haven't even done it yet." I said and she was shocked. "You haven't had sex yet?!" She whispered yelled at me and I shook my head no. "I've been through a lot of things in my past relationships and he's been really patient with me." 

"Girl, he must really love you if he's waited this long to have sex with you." She said. "I know, he's been a real saint and tonight, I'm gonna make the wait worth while." I said with a laugh. 

"No babies girl, although, Charlie would love a girlfriend." She said and we both laughed and the guys walked over to us and kissed us both and Freddie took his son and Dansby was playing with him too. 

He was a natural with kids too, I couldn't wait to see him as a father, so protective, yet so fun. The guys went and got ready for the game and it went by quick. The won 1-0 over the Tigers. I couldn't believe they had won in their final game at Turner Field. 

It was a great experience, I took as many pictures as I could and I was going to get them framed for Dansby to have in his house. We were let onto the field and Dansby came over to me right away and kissed me. 

"I love you Tay." He said with a smile. "I love you too Dans, I'm so proud of you." I said giving him a hug. "Do you think tonight will be the night?" He whispered in my ear and I smirked. 

"I don't know Dans, just text me on your way home okay?" I didn't want to give anything away, but I hated seeing the look of defeat on his face. I kissed his lips to reassured him that I still loved him and walked through the clubhouse to get to my car and went back to Dansby's. 

Once I got home, I let Bentley out and went upstairs and got everything ready. Rose petals all over the bed and the bathroom, I drew a bath for the both of us. He texted me to tell me he was on his way home. 

I changed into the new lingerie he had bought me for no reason after I told him not to. I put on a little bit of makeup and laid on the bed and waited for him. 

"Tay, I'm home!" I heard his voice and it made my heart skip a beat. "In the bedroom!" I yelled to him and I heard his footsteps get closer and closer and then he opened the door and his jaw basically dropped when he saw me. 

I smirked and got off the bed and went over to him and took his bag from him and set it down. "To answer your question from earlier, yes Dansby, tonight is the night." I whispered closing the gap between us and kissing him. 

I grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom where we both stripped and got into the bathtub. 

"You really didn't have to do all this Taylor." He said massaging my shoulders, which was blissful. "Yes I did, it's been a long season and I wanted our first time to be special." I said turning to him and he smirked and kissed me. 

I pulled away breathless and I nodded to the bedroom and he got what I meant and helped me out of the tub and led me over to the bed which was still covered in rose petals and laid me down in the middle. 

His hands started at my feet and trailed up the entire length of my body, I had shivers because that's what he does to me. He kissed me with so much passion and I've never felt more in love with him than I do right now. 

He pleasured me in all the right ways, even before we had sex. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asked as he slipped on the condom. "I'm 100% ready." I said and he smiled. 

"I love you Taylor." He said kissing me as he slid into me. "I love you too Dansby. So much."

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