Chapter 22

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I went into labor last night and Dansby came home from their road trip in New York and he now he's off until Spring Training and I couldn't be happier that he's going to be home for the birth of our little Leah.

I had been in labor for about 12 hours now and I was feeling no pain due to the epidural they gave me about an hour ago. This baby was going to take it's sweet ass time coming into the world and gonna steal our hearts when she does so.

My mom and dad came as soon as I called them and so did Dansby's parents. Lindsey and Chase were staying with me and Chase brought me to the hospital when my water broke at 2 A.M. I was just honestly ready to stop looking like a huge cow.

"I know what you're thinking, that you're ready to stop looking like a cow. Am I right?" Dansby asked and I laughed despite the contraction running through my body. "I don't know how you do that, but it's amazing how you do." I said.

He laughed and came over and knelt down at the side of my bed. "I'm so excited to bring our little princess into this world, with you." He said kissing the back of my hand. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Next time, we aren't having another kid. This shit isn't fun." I said and he laughed. "That's just the pain talking, I'm sure you'll want another one as soon as you know this one is an angel." He said and another contraction shot through my body.

God damn, I hate Dansby for impregnating me, but god damn this baby girl was going to be so worth it in the long run after the hell she is putting me through in this long labor. About an hour of waiting the doctor came back in and checked me.

"Alright, so are you ready to start pushing and finally meet your baby girl?" He asked and I smiled. "So ready. Let's get this show on the road." I said and everyone laughed and the nurses came in and started setting everything up.

Dansby's parents kissed the both of us and left the room and so did my parents. I wanted this to be an intimate thing with Dansby and I. This is our life we are creating, this should be a thing between the two of us, and the doctors of course.

I started pushing and ten minutes later the most beautiful sound of her cry filled the room and I couldn't help but cry at the sound. Dansby cut the Umbilical Cord and they placed her on my chest for the first time.

It was the most amazing thing I could ever experience. Birth is an amazing thing and experiencing it with someone I love couldn't be any better. They took Leah away and cleaned her up before coming back to me and cleaning me up.

They placed her in Dansby's arms and it looked like his world just lit up by 1,000 times and he was trying hard not to cry. "Dans, it's okay to cry." I said with a laugh and he let it out. "She's just so perfect Taylor, how could you not cry?" He said.

"Dansby, I just pushed an eight pound baby out of me, I did some crying trust me." I said and he laughed. "I can't believe we created this baby. This is all us." He said sitting down next to me with the baby and I took a minute to take in all her facial features and she was beautiful.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the both of them and put it on Instagram for the whole world to know that Dansby and I had our precious little angel.

"TaylorRenee: Welcome to the world Leah Ashley Swanson, you already have your daddy wrapped around your finger. My sweet angels."

I smiled as the door opened and both of our parents came through the door and tears immediately came to both of our moms eyes and I couldn't help but shed a tear too.

"You've come so far since you were first diagnosed with you cancer, I'm so proud of you sweetie and I can't help but be a proud grandma now. I love you." She said kissing the top of my head and said the same thing.

"I couldn't be more proud of Dansby and myself. I can't believe that we created a life. She's already a spitting image of him. He's going to have a lot of grey hairs when she becomes a teenager." I said and she laughed.

"She won't be having any boys home till she's 30." He said overhearing our conversation. I laughed and shook my head at his over protectiveness already. I couldn't help but think of my past with Ryan.

What if it was him instead of Dansby? Would I be this happy or would I be a single mother trying to get by in life? I couldn't help but have those thoughts run through my head. I also couldn't help but thank Dansby for all he's done for me over the year and a half we've been together.

We're engaged and now we have a beautiful baby girl. The next step in our lives is getting married and I couldn't wait for the day that I became Mrs. Swanson. Now I'll be a baseball wife forever, there's no going back.

Soon it was time to feed and our parents left and then Lindsey and Chase came by with Jaxon and he was so confused when he saw the baby and it was hilarious. Especially when she started crying, the look he had on his face was priceless.

Soon enough, visiting hours were over and they left and it was just Dansby, Leah and myself in my room and life couldn't get more precious and real than in this moment. This was our first night as parents, let's hope she's good for us.

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