Chapter 15

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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Dansby and I have spoken to each other and it's killing me. We still live in the same house but it's awkward. 

He's been sleeping the guest bedroom and I've been sleeping in our bedroom. I'm pretty sure I've cried myself to sleep every night due to the fact that we haven't spoken to each other. The house has been eerily quiet and I hate it. 

The only time that there is noise in the house is when one of us watches TV or Bentley barks. That's it. 

Today was no different, when I went downstairs to make myself breakfast, neither one of us said a word to each other. I'm actually heading out with Lindsey to her doctors appointment and then we're going Christmas shopping. 

I went back up to our room and I looked through my phone and saw that Maci had texted me. 

Maci: Hey babe, I know we haven't talked in awhile but I'm back in Georgia for a week and would love to meet up with you today. 

Me: Oh hey there, sure! I'm actually heading out with Dansby's sister to her ultrasound appointment and then we're going shopping, wanna meet us for lunch?

Maci: Sure that sounds great, see you then!

I honestly forgot all about Maci since she went back to Louisiana with Jace for the offseason. We've both been so busy with our lives, that we kind of forgot about each other I guess. 

I put my phone on the bed and went into the bathroom and got into the shower and got ready. (outfit in media). I sighed looking over myself in the mirror. It was good enough I guess. 

I grabbed my phone and my purse and went downstairs to leave. "Where are you going?" Dansby said as he was fixated on the TV. It was great to hear his voice again. 

"I'm going with Lindsey to her ultrasound appointment and then we're going out to lunch with Maci and then we're going Christmas shopping." I said. It felt good to talk to him again even if it was just this. 

"When will you be home?" He asked. "Honestly I don't know, I'll text you when I'm on my way back." I said and he nodded. "Dansby?" I asked and he turned around and looked at me. My heart dropped at how tired he looked. 

"I love you." I said and he did a half smile. "I love you too Taylor." I smiled and walked out the door and to Lindsey's car. "How are you and my brother?" She asked as she started driving to the doctors. 

I sighed. "Well we just spoke to each other for the first time since Thanksgiving, so I'd say we're making progress." Since I haven't been talking to Maci, Lindsey has become my new best friend. 

"Well that's good! I can't believe you two have gone two weeks without talking to each other. I know Dansby really loves you and I'm sure it's like torture to him." She said as we pulled into a parking spot. 

"It's been torture for me. I can't stand not sleeping in the same bed as him anymore." I said and she nodded and she checked in and we waited for a doctor to call us back. 

We went through everything and then we got to see the heartbeat. "Alright so you're due around July 6th, you know babies never stick to their due date so don't be surprised if it's earlier or later." The doctor said and we both nodded. 

She cleaned off the gel and then we made another appointment for next month and then went off to lunch to meet Maci. "Excuse you, what's this ring on your finger?!" I said after I gave her a hug. 

"Yeah, Jace proposed on Thanksgiving in front of his whole family." She said and I smiled. "Awe you're getting married Congrats! When?" I asked ask we sat down. 

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