Chapter 14

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It's Thanksgiving and we were back home in Georgia and spending it with Dansby's family and my own. I couldn't wait to meet the rest of his family, that I haven't already met, and see all the ones that I have missed. 

I couldn't wait to see my parents too. I haven't seen them since I finished my treatments and when I got the good news. We may live in the same state, but we're still miles apart. 

We had stayed at Dansby's parents house last night, it was a tradition all the kids had to stay there and I was happy to be in on the tradition with them. Lindsey and I had stayed up most of the night discussing baby things. 

She's going to be a single mother, none the less, she's still really excited about having the baby. She's due in the beginning of July, she asked me to do everything with her and I couldn't say no! I was way too happy that she asked me to be apart of this. 

"Baby, time to get up." I heard Dansby whisper in my ear. My eyes were still closed but I let a smile slip out and he knew I was awake because he pulled me closer to his chest and started kissing my neck. 

"Alright Dans, don't start something that you can't finish." I said wrapping my arms around him. "Who said I can't finish this?" He said continuing to kiss my neck. "James Dansby Swanson! We are in your parents house, we are not having sex here! We can have it when we get back home tonight." 

He sighed and looked at me. "You're lucky that I love you princess, because I hate when people call me by my full name." He said and I laughed at the 'mean' look he had on his face. "Well aren't you trying to be mean and cute." I said. 

I got out from his grasp and went into the bathroom that was attached to his old room and turned on the shower. "Well can I at least come shower with you?" He said appearing in the doorway. "Promise no sex?" I said and he nodded and kissed me before shedding his clothes and getting into the shower. 

We showered and continued to get ready for the day. (outfit in media) I was content with my outfit when we went downstairs and I looked at Dansby who was white as a ghost. 

"Dans, what's wrong?" I asked looking around the room for something wrong. "Mom, what is she doing here?" He asked in a very rude tone. His moms face went just as white as Dansby's and now I'm officially lost. 

"Honey, I just have coffee with Sam every morning and today was no different. You know she was my girlfriend of yours. No offense Taylor." She said, well offense taken to that one. "Get her out of here." He said. I hid behind his back because I was really scared of him when he was angry. 

"Now now Dansby, don't get all hostile because I'm here having coffee with your mom." Sam said getting up and coming over to Dansby and my protective instincts kicked in and I stepped in front of Dansby. 

"And who do you think you are?" Sam said crossing her arms and I mimicked her actions. "I'm sorry I don't think we've formally met. I'm Taylor, Dansby's current girlfriend and your worst nightmare." I said with a smirk on his face I could tell Dansby had one matching mine. 

"Oooh I'm so scared." She said with a laugh. "Well you should be, because if you ever come near Dansby again, I'll make sure that your face goes through a wall or it matches the color of the concrete and now I think that Dansby has asked you to leave." I said pointing to the door and Dansby was trying to stifle a laugh behind me. 

She looked defeated and grabbed her things and stormed out of the house. "Holy shit that was awesome! Didn't know you had that in you babe." He said wrapping his hands around my waist. "Yeah well, no one messes with my man. What even happened between the two of you anyway?" 

He sighed. "Now she was only in it for the money. One night I came home from a game and she was in MY bed with Freddie Freeman. Yeah he cheated on Chelsea with her and Chelsea doesn't even know about it." 

Holy shit. "And I can't believe that you let her in this house knowing that I'm upstairs and I could come down at any moment and blow a gasket." He said to his mom and she sighed. "I don't know Dansby, she's just a nice person and I really liked her." 

"And to say that you liked her a lot better than you like Taylor is a big shot to Taylor while she's standing right here, I can't believe that even came out of your mouth mom." He said not even giving her time to answer as he walked upstairs. 

I sighed and looked at his mom who was almost in tears and I turned around and went upstairs to find Dansby sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I sighed and sat next to him and started rubbing his back. 

"Just leave me alone Taylor." He said and I rolled my eyes and got up and slammed the door and went downstairs and said hello to my parents. 

There was tension throughout dinner and Dansby didn't even sit next to me the whole time and we didn't even say one word to each other the whole time and even on the whole way home. 

I sighed and got out of his truck, slamming every door that I could possibly think of slamming and making it known that I was mad at him and it seems like he didn't have a care in the world. 

I hated going to bed mad at him, but this thing isn't going to resolve itself with only one party wanting to fix it.

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