Chapter 9

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Dansby has been called back up to the Braves, it's beyond me how they can kill someones mood a few days before and then bring them back up 5 days later. But I'm happy that I don't have to travel with him and the Triple A team.

I'm still recovering a lot from chemo, which means a lot of sleep and laying around the house all day. The Braves had a day off and then they are in Miami for two games against the Marlins and then they come home. 

Dansby had flown to Miami today and I'm missing him a lot and his presence in his house is just lonely without him. 

I got to wake up in his bed, with his dog, but without him. I was getting pretty lonely in this house alone. I needed some human interaction, but Maci was in Miami with the team and here I was, in Atlanta all alone. 

I decided to call my cousin Michael to come and hang out with me for the day and he was happy to come up and keep me company. I got into the shower and decided to get ready for the day we were going to have. (Outfit in media)

Bentley was going nuts downstairs so that meant Michael was here. "Holy god this house is beautiful." Michael said to me as I opened the door. "This isn't your house is it?" He asked me and I shook my head no. 

"It's my boyfriends." I said and his eyes went wide. "Oh that's right, your mom and dad told us you were dating THE Dansby Swanson." He said and I laughed as I locked up the house and heading to his truck. 

"Yes I am, he's in Miami right now." I said as I got into the passenger seat. "So what are we doing today?" he asked as he drove off towards the city. I shrugged my shoulders. "We could go to the aquarium! I haven't been there since I was a kid." 

I was too happy when he said yes to that and he just laughed at me. We got there and he paid for the both of us. "You look much happier now." He said as we were looking at the tigers. I nodded my head. "I am. After the cancer scare and having Dansby there for me, I couldn't have asked for a better guy than him." 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and it was Dansby texting me. I opened it and saw a picture of me and Michael. 

Dansbae: Who the fuck is this? Are you cheating on me?

Me: No Dansby, I would never ever do that. That's my cousin Michael. I was getting pretty lonely at your house and since Maci is with you guys in Miami I decided to hang out with FAMILY. Not any other guy. 

Dansbae: I don't believe you.. 

Me: Wow okay then don't. After all I've been through, do you think I would put anyone in the situation that I was in for two whole years? Think again Dansby.

Read 2:14 P.M.

No response. I'm so over him being so moody lately.. "Everything okay?" Michael asked and I sighed. "Someone here took a picture of us and somehow Dansby got it and he thinks that I'm cheating on him even though I told him you were my cousin." 

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Tay, wanna get out of here and go out to lunch?" He asked and I nodded. "But I'm paying this time." I said and he laughed and nodded. He took some pictures of me and I posted one to Instagram. 

"TaylorRenee: Great day out at the zoo, haven't been here since I was a kid with Mikey! Thanks for the awesome day cuz!"

I tagged Mike in the picture hoping that Dansby would stalk his profile and then text me and tell me he was wrong. Once we had ordered our food, my phone rang and Dansby was calling me. I showed it to Mike and he nodded silently telling me to answer it. 

I sighed. "Hello?" I said. "Taylor, I'm sorry." He said and I rolled my eyes. "I know you are. You need to trust me. I trust you." I said. 

"I know, you're just so beautiful I can't help but think when I see you with a guy that you're cheating on me and that I'm not good enough." I could tell he was running his hands through his hair right now. He does that when he's stressed. 

"Dans, you know I'm not like that. I've been on the other side of that and I wouldn't dare put you in a position like that." I said and our food came. 

"I know you're not and I'm sorry." He said. "What's got you so moody lately anyway?" I asked as a took a bite of my burger. "I don't know. I just miss being home and everything with getting sent down and then back up has been taking a toll on me." 

I sighed. "Alright, we'll have a relaxing night once you get home okay? You gotta get your mind back on track with the season. I'll talk to you later though, okay? I'm at lunch and our food is here." 

"Alright Taylor, I'll talk to you later. Bye!" He said and we hung up and Mike just shook his head at me. "You can't forgive him that fast again." He said. "I know I can't, but things with him are different than they were with Ryan. I know Dansby doesn't mean to do things like that, but he's really over protective of me ever since the cancer came back." 

"I get that, but he can't just assume you're always cheating on him when he sees you with another guy. He's gotta trust you, he's not fully there yet." Michael said and I agree with him, maybe Dansby doesn't fully trust me yet. 

I sighed and we continued on with our lunch and then he brought me back to Dansby's and I went inside and FaceTimed Dansby. "Hello beautiful, how are you?" He said to me when it connected. 

"I'm good babe, but I gotta ask you something." I didn't really want to talk about this while he was in Miami and we couldn't do it face to face. "Of course, ask away." He said and I sighed. 

"Do you really trust me? Or do you just say that you do?"I asked and his face fell. "Well I mean I guess I don't really trust you yet. I know you've been through a lot but I guess it hasn't set in that you won't leave or cheat on me." 

I put my head down, that wasn't the answer that I was hoping for. "Dans, in a relationship there has to be trust and I don't know if there is any in this relationship right now and it's only the beginning. I know that I trust you but I can't tell if you really do trust me or not." 

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "With everything going on lately I've just been so stressed and you know that. I don't get why you're bringing this up right now." He said, he was clearly getting frustrated. 

"Dansby, I'm not trying to argue or make you more stressed, I'm just trying to talk to you about this, we don't have to talk about it right now because clearly you can't handle this conversation today. We'll talk about it when you get home." I said. 

"You're right, I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle you anymore. It's getting ridiculous how often you've been pushing me away and how broken you are, I don't want this anymore." 

I couldn't believe what I'm hearing right now. His mood went from 0-100 real freaking quick. "Dansby, you don't mean that. You're just stressed." I said containing the tears that were threatening to spill. 

"I'm done with you Taylor." He said and he hung up and that's when I cried. I called Maci. "Taylor what's wrong?" She asked as she picked up the phone. "Dansby, he broke up with me." I said through the sobs that were going through me. 

"I'm gonna kill him. I love you alright? I'll talk some sense into him. Get some sleep." She said and I agreed hanging up the phone with her and going up to Dansby's room and going into his bathroom. 

I looked around for what I hoped that I would never have to find again, a razor. I found one and even though it wasn't sharp, I ran it across my wrist and I winced at the pain. 

It wasn't deep, but it was deep enough to heal the pain that I was feeling. 

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