Chapter 8

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The guys were on a losing streak right now and they hope to get out of this slump in the third game of the series against the Reds. Dansby hasn't been doing so well at the plate and there has been talks of him going back down for a stint in the minors. 

Dansby and I haven't talked about it because he's really hurt by it, but this would be a good chance to get his swing back to where it was at the beginning of the season. 

I woke up to a text from Dansby, god only knows this can't be as good as I hope it is. I slowly opened my phone and clicked on the message icon and my heart dropped at the text message that I read. 

Dansbae: I got sent down to Triple A, I leave tonight. I'm sorry. 

Me: Do I get to see you before you leave?

Dansbae: Of course, I'm kind of at your front door right now, so come let me in.

I laughed that he said that and then went and opened the door for him. He had the saddest look on his face and I just pulled him into a hug. Once we pulled away from  the hug, we went over to my couch and I sat down facing him. 

"What does this mean for the both of us?" I asked, not wanting to bring it up, but I knew I had to.  I hated this and I know he did too. He sighed and looked at me with tears in his eyes. That killed me inside. 

"I don't want to leave here and you. I don't know what's going to happen to us, but I want to stay together." He said and I sighed. "I know, I want to stay together too, but how are we going to do that?" I asked. 

"Come with me." He said. I was shocked. "What do you mean come with you?" I asked. "Come with me on the road, I know it's a lot to ask and a lot to take in, but please, I can't stand to be without you. You've made Atlanta home for me this past month and a half." He said. 

I sighed. This is all moving so fast, I don't know if I'm ready for it yet. He goes right on the road to begin with. "Dansby this is all very fast for me, I don't know if I'm ready for it yet." I said with a sigh and his face fell. 

"I'm going on the road right away and I hope you'll be there when I get back." He said getting up and walking out my front door and basically out of my life, probably. 

I sat on my couch and cried for god knows how long. How could I literally let the best thing that's happened to me walk out of my life like that? I couldn't believe what had happened here a couple of hours ago. 

I grabbed my phone to text Dansby when I saw that Maci had spammed my phone with texts to look at Dansby's Instagram. So I did just that and I couldn't believe my eyes at what I saw. 

"dansbyswanson: Can't wait to see this girl again!" (picture in media)

Honestly, what the actual fuck is going on right now? I was so pissed that I now had to text Dansby. 

Me: Who is that in your picture?

Dansbae: My ex. What does it matter to you? 

Me: Uhm, we're kind of still in a relationship, unless you need to tell me something...

Dansbae: Well I thought it was clear when I walked out on you this morning when you said you wouldn't come with me. 

Me: And you said you were hoping I was gonna be at the game when you got back and I was planning on it, but right now, I really don't think I will be. 

Dansbae: Well I don't know what you want me to say Taylor. It seems like you don't want to be with me anymore..

Me: Me? If I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't have sat on my couch for hours after you left and cried. I can't believe you right now. You said you wouldn't be like the other guys, but you're being like them. 

Dansbae: I can't believe you really didn't want to come with me. I thought you really liked me. 

Me: I really do like you, but it's way too soon for us to be leaving together. I still have a job here and we've only been dating a month! Maybe a little more, it's way too soon and I thought you would understand that.

Dansbae: I do understand that! But I want to be with you every second of every day when I can. I want to go to sleep with you every night and kiss you every morning when I wake up. I want you to be at every game and help me through a bad time that I'm going through right now.

Me: I can help you, I just can't up and leave my life here in Atlanta, I would love to travel with you but I can't right now. I need to make money for myself, I need to support myself. When you get called back up, I'll think about going on the road with you okay?

Dansbae: Alright I'll take that. But please come to my house, I need to see you and hug you.

I sighed and grabbed my things and made my way over to Dansby's house. I didn't even bother knocking when I got there and went right up to his room where he was laying on the bed. 

I took off my shoes and put my things down and climbed into bed with him and cuddled him. He held me as close as he could to his body.

"I can't believe I was about to lose you, I'm so sorry babe." He said kissing my forehead. "It's okay babe, I knew where you were coming from and on the way over here I thought a lot about it." 

I paused and looked at him. "After this first road trip and then when you come back home and the next road trip, I'll go with you." I said and he got the biggest smile on his face. 

He brought me into a long and passionate kiss. I don't know what I was saying and why I was saying it, but I'm glad that I was going to go with him soon. 

I helped him pack all his stuff and then brought him to the airport. "I'll see you soon okay?" I said giving him one final hug before he had to leave. "I'll see you soon." He said giving me one final kiss before heading into the airport. 

I was watching Bentley while he was gone, so I had to go home and pack things to take back to his house along with his truck. 

As soon as I walked into his house, I immediately broke down because it didn't feel like his home without him in it. Bentley curled herself up next to me on the couch and it made me feel better because it was a part of him that he kind of had to leave behind. 

I sat there most of the night thinking about what I said to him and hoping that I made the right choice. 

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