Chapter 19

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It's July now and Lindsey went into the hospital last night in Labor and I couldn't wait to see our nephew! I found out the gender of the baby a couple of weeks ago and Dansby and I are revealing it tonight after the game to the team. 

"Tay baby, you ready to go see our nephew?" Dansby asked coming into the bathroom while I was getting ready. I smiled at him. "I am, the better question is, are you ready to find out what we're having?" I hadn't told Dansby, I kept this one to myself. 

"Of course I am. I really hope it's a girl." He said coming over to me, kissing my lips and then getting down on his knees and kissing my stomach. He was so sweet to me and the baby, he kissed my stomach every day and if he was away, he'd talk to the baby through FaceTime. 

I finished putting on my makeup and then going into our closet and getting changed.(outfit in media) We ended up seeing that house and buying it on the spot and we couldn't be happier with what we've done with the place. 

I've popped a lot, you'd think that I was carrying twins with the way that my belly has grown, but I'm only carrying one Swanson. "Alright, let's get going." I said grabbing my bag off the bed while Dansby grabbed his baseball bag. 

We got into his truck and went off to the hospital to see his sister. "Soon enough we'll be here too." He said and his fingers intertwined with mine as we walked into the hospital. "And it will be the best day of our entire lives." I said and he smiled and kissed the top of my head. 

We went up to the labor and delivery floor and found Lindsey's room quickly and she was up and holding her baby. "I'm so proud of you Linds." Dansby said going over and giving her a kiss and I did as well. 

"Meet your nephew, Jaxon Daniel Swanson." She said handing him to Dansby. He looked like the proudest Uncle you could ever see and I couldn't help but capture the sweet moment and put it on Instagram. 

"TaylorReene: Such a sweet moment between Uncle and Nephew for the first time. Welcome to the world Jaxon Daniel Swanson, we can't wait to spoil you!"

"You wanna hold him?" Dansby asked and I nodded, him handing Jaxon over to me and I fell in love instantly. "If I can fall in love with him this fast, I wonder how long it'll take me to fall in love with my little one." I said sitting on the couch. 

"You fall in love the moment they put him or her on your chest. Do you know yet?" Lindsey asked me and I smiled. "I do, but Dansby doesn't. He and the rest of the team are finding out after the game tonight." I said with a smile. 

We talked about small things, like how her labor went and everything and then we left when Dansby had to be at the ballpark for BP. "Honestly, I don't think I could be any happier than I am being an uncle." He said and I smiled. 

"Just wait till we're in there holding our little one, then you'll be happier." I said and he laughed and nodded his head. "You my love, are very very true." He said lifting our intertwined hands and planting a kiss on the back of mine. 

We got to the ballpark and we both went into the clubhouse and I went over to the other wives and girlfriends. "How's everything with the baby?" Chelsea asked when I sat down. "I feel like a cow, otherwise great!" I said and they laughed. 

"Wedding planning yet?" Maci asked. I shook my head no. "I've got too much to do with the baby before I even think about wedding planning. What about you?" I asked her. "I mean we have the date and everything and where, now everything else will fall into place." She said and I smiled. 

"Well I'm not getting my dress until after I have this baby." I said and she laughed. We talked about the gender reveal tonight and everything until it was time to go up into the stands and watch the game. 

I looked around the stadium and I found his face, again. "Maci, is it weird to say that Ryan may be stalking me?" I said nudging her and having her look over in his direction. "I would say so babes, you really need to get a restraining order on him." She said. 

I sighed, I really didn't want to do that, but if I keep seeing him in places that I shouldn't, I really will get one. "Oh shit here he comes." Maci said and I kept my cool. "Taylor baby." He said with a smile, I really hated when he called me that. 

"Ryan, what are you doing here? You don't even like the Braves." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Well to see you of course, why wouldn't I be here?" He's been acting like he's done nothing wrong to me. I scoffed at him. 

"Because we aren't together anymore, duh." I said throwing a look his way. "Excuse me miss, is everything alright up here?" A security guard said coming up to us and I looked down at the dugout and saw Dansby staring up here, now I knew why the security guard was here. 

"Actually no it's not, can you please escort this man out of the stadium. He's been stalking me and harassing me." I said to the security guard with a smile and he smiled back and went over to Ryan and grabbed him. 

"No I'm not! We're together!" Ryan said as the security guard took him away. "Well that's not what my fiancé says!" I said to Ryan and I smirked at him. He looked defeated and let the security guard take him. 

The rest of the game went on and the Braves won. We all went down to the clubhouse where everything was set up for the party. "Alright, you all ready to find out what we're having?" I said looking at the cake which was pretty funny if I do say so myself. 

"Did you come up with this yourself?" Dansby asked when he read the cake and I just laughed and nodded my head

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"Did you come up with this yourself?" Dansby asked when he read the cake and I just laughed and nodded my head. We both put our hands on the knife and cut the cake open. I revealed the pink inside and Dansby gasped as we lifted it up. 

"It's a girl!" I yelled and everyone went crazy. Dansby put the piece of cake on the plate and kissed me. "We're having a princess." He said and I smiled and kissed him one more time. "We're having a princess, I love you Dansby." I said. 

He smiled. "I love you too Taylor." I took a picture of the inside of the cake and posted it to Instagram.

"TaylorRenee: Happy to announce we're having a little girl! Princess Swanson is in full effect already!"

Everything is falling into place, now if Ryan would just stop showing up, everything would be perfect.

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