Chapter 20

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Today was the day of my baby shower and Dansby is currently in L.A. playing the Dodgers and since I'm due so late in September, the Braves have given him the rest of the season off since they have no shot of making the playoffs.

I'm so grateful for them to do that for us and I couldn't be more thankful for them. Chelsea and my mom have planned this whole baby shower for me and I'm grateful for them. Maci and I have kind of drifted ways since she's always on the road with Jace.

I'm kind of bummed that she's in L.A. with them and not here for my baby shower. I honestly couldn't think of a time where she's done this to me. This is the biggest time in my life and I need her here, she's my best friend and it's like she's betrayed me.

"Dansby, it's 6 a.m. there, why are you calling me?" I said as I answered the phone as I was about to get into the shower. "I just want to make sure my two girls are okay. Are you?" He's been so protective every time he goes away for a road trip and it's sweet.

I smiled. "Yes Dansby I'm fine and the little one is fine too. I'm about to get in the shower so you called at a bad time." I said with a laugh. "Oh the things I would do to you if I was there right now." He said and I could hear the smirk that was on his face.

"Dansby, I look like a cow. How could you think like that?" I said with a laugh. "No matter if you look like a cow or not, I still think you're beautiful. I'm going to work out princess, have fun at your shower today. I love you." He said. I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you too Dans." I said and hung up and got into the shower and then got ready for the shower. (outfit in media) I sighed, I thought nothing looked good on me anymore because I was so big. Dansby thought otherwise.

I grabbed my purse and waddled down the stairs and fed the dogs before going out to Chelsea's car and getting in it. "Wow you've popped since I last saw you." She said with a laugh. "Yeah I have. I think I look like a waddling cow but everyone else thinks otherwise." I said.

"Yeah but you look like a cute cow." She said. After Maci and I kind of drifted off, Chelsea and I have been become really close. Like me and Lindsey close. "Hey how many people are coming?" I asked as we pulled into the hall.

"Well like 100." My eyes went wide. I hope I have a truck to get things home. "That's a lot Chels. I didn't think I knew that many people." I said trying to get out of the car. "Well there's your family, Dansby's family, friends from college and the wives and girlfriends that could make it."

I knew she was taking a dig at Maci but I didn't care, I was just trying to have a good time at my shower with the people that loved and cared about me. She helped me into the building and it was good to see family members that I hadn't seen in a long time.

Someone handed me a sash that said 'mommy to be' and I threw it over myself and went over and enjoyed some food before mingling with my family and Dansby's family. Before we did the presents, I was going to announce the name Dansby and I chose for her.

"Alright, before we do presents, I'm going to tell you all what her name is. You ready?" I said and everyone yelled. "Alright her name is Leah Ashley Swanson." I said and everyone cheered. Jaxon started crying because everyone was loud, but that was expected.

I sat down in front of everyone and started opening presents and let me tell you, there was a lot of them. I think I sat there for a good hour and opened them. I mingled some more before people started to trickle out of the hall to leave.

Chase came and helped put everything in the three cars we had to fill and let me tell you, they were filled. Chelsea had driven me back home, then my mom had her car and then Chase had his truck to put the big things in.

We all brought stuff in and put everything in her nursery. "Tay, this room is amazing." Chelsea said as she walked into it. "I know it is, thank Dansby. He came up with everything, I just helped him." I said as I went to sit in the rocking chair.

"He's going to be a great dad." Chase said bringing the last of the heavy things. "Yeah I know he is, he's so protective of her already. I can't wait to see what he's like when she brings a boy home." I said and he laughed.

"I don't think he'll let her bring one home till she's 30." Chelsea said sitting on the floor. "I have something to tell you but I didn't want to ruin your day today." She said and I was confused. "You wouldn't have, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, I'm pregnant." She said and I smiled. "No way! Now you have to have a boy so our little ones can date! I also would get up and hug you but I'm tired." I said with a laugh. "No need, I'm just excited to start my life with Freddie and have our own little family like you and Dansby." She said.

"Yeah but you and Freddie are married. Dansby and I aren't. I wish I could change that." I said and my phone interrupted our conversation. I got it and saw that Dansby was Facetiming me. "Hello there, how was the shower?" He asked he saw my face pop up on the screen.

I flipped the camera around to show him everything. "Holy hell that's a lot and hey there Chelsea, congrats on the baby!" He said. "Thank you and wait Freddie told you?" She said and he laughed.

"Yeah he told me like two weeks ago." Dansby said and I switched the camera back to me and looked at him. "And you didn't tell me?" I said amused with how long Dansby had known. "Freddie told me not to until Chelsea had told you." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

We talked for a little and then Chelsea had to leave so I walked her out before returning to my conversation with Dansby. "Baby, I miss you so much." He said and I sighed sitting on the couch. "I miss you too Dansby, soon enough you'll be home for good." I said and he smiled.

"And I can't wait for that, you look really tired right now." He said and I sighed and closed my eyes. "You have no idea. I'm exhausted." I said and then the dogs started barking for a reason I don't know so I got up and went over to the back door and saw there was someone in the backyard. I locked the door quickly and locked all the windows and locked the front door, the garage door and any door we had in our house.

"Dansby, there's someone in the backyard." I said sitting in our room with the blinds shut. "Call the police and then call me back." He said and I nodded and hung up and called the police. I gave them all the information and then they were here two minutes later and had the trespasser in cuffs.

"Ryan?" I said as I realized who it was. "Hey princess." He said and I shuddered, I really wish Dansby was here. "Why are you trespassing on my property? I have a restraining order against you!" I said.

"You do?" The officer said and I nodded. "He's been stalking me ever since he found out I was pregnant with my fiancé's baby." I said and the cop arrested him. The cop asked me a couple of questions and then they left.

I'm just glad he didn't get into the house. I went back into the house and up to our room and changed into some pajamas and called Dansby back. "What happened babe?" He said as soon as he picked up, so I told him everything.

"Well I'm glad you and our little Leah are safe, get some sleep babe, I love you." He said and I smiled and laid down on the bed. "I love you too Dansby."

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