Chapter 32

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A week. It's been a week since Taylor has been out of her surgery and a week since I've seen those blue eyes that I love the most. A week since I've played baseball, a week since Leah has seen her mom and she's been restless. 

My parents and her parents have been doing the best they can with her but they're getting tired. She's learning to walk and she's been a terror around the house and she hasn't been listening because she's so good with Taylor and with me, she doesn't listen. 

I'm spending my day at the hospital, yet again. The only time I've left Taylor's side is to go home and sleep and take care of Leah so the parents could have a break. "Good morning Mr. Swanson, how are you?" The doctor asked coming into her room and I sighed. 

"As good as I can be. Any progress?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee. "Yes, very much good progress. Hopefully she should be awake within the next two hours or so." He said checking her wounds. "Why has she been asleep this long?" I asked, I was beyond curious at this point and I just wanted her back. 

"Well with the major surgeries she's had, she's been asleep a lot and she's lost a lot of blood and that makes her be asleep and have her body regenerate her blood and make her insides whole again and make her blood cells multiply  to the regular amount." I didn't understand a word he said, but I just nodded my head. 

As I was about to say something the machine started beeping. "What's going on?" I asked standing up and holding his hand. "This is a good beeping Mr. Swanson. It means her heart rate is going up and her oxygen levels are going up, which means we can take the tubes out and it'll only be a matter of time before she's awake." 

"Should I leave when you take the tubes out?" I asked and he smiled at me. "It's best if you do, it's not a fun thing to watch." He said and I nodded and left as the nurse came in to help them. Five minutes passed and the doctor came out. 

"You can go in now, she is awake." He said and patted my back. I sighed, preparing myself. "Dansby?" I heard her whisper as I walked into the room. "Oh baby, it's so good to hear your voice again." I said sitting next to her bed and grabbing her hand. 

"How long have I been out?" She asked as she pointed to her water cup and I handed it to her. "A week." I said and her eyes widened. "Did they kill Ryan? I swear to god if they didn't I'm going to make sure that he does end up dead when I get out of here." She said and I laughed. 

"Yes, they killed him right after he shot you apparently. I didn't get here until you were in surgery." I said and she smiled. "How's my baby girl?" She asked and I sighed. "I'm just so glad you're awake because she's been a terror for me. She doesn't listen. But our parents, they have been a god send for me this past week. It seems like they're the only ones she listens to." 

"It's because she's used to me since you're always away playing games. I know it's not your fault because it's your job, but she doesn't know that. You just have to be gentle with her, that's how she is. She's gentle and sweet." She said and I sighed. I knew I was being harsh with her since she wouldn't listen and I regret it. 

"I'm sorry babe that you're in here. But if everything goes smoothly you'll be out of here in no time." I said getting up and kissing her. "Have you been playing?" I knew she was going to get mad at me for not playing. 

"No I haven't. The team has been very understanding of our situation in this time, so they'll be welcoming me back very shortly." I said and she sighed. "You should go back tomorrow." She said and I looked at her with a confused look on my face. 

"Why would I do that while you're still in here?" I asked. "Because that's your job Dansby. You're losing money every minute you're sitting in here with me and not on the field playing your heart out." She said. She was right, but I knew my job right now was to be here with her. 

"Trust me, I've been doing phone interviews and everyone is well aware that I'll come back when you're home and better. I'm not losing money because I have a whole career ahead of me playing baseball. My job right now, is sitting here with you making sure I don't lose you." I said and she had tears coming out of her eyes and I wiped them away. 

"But I don't want you to lose your spot on the team because of me. It's all my fault that I'm in this mess. If I never left Chelsea's room I wouldn't be in this position and in this bed. I'd be home with Leah safe and sound and Ryan would probably still be dead. It's all my fault." She said full on crying now and I felt so bad for her. 

"Baby, it's all going to be okay now. It's just you, me and Leah now and Bentley and our families. No one can hurt you or anyone again. Especially Ryan, he's gone and out of our lives so we can go on with the wedding and have nothing to worry about." I said sitting on her bed. 

"Dansby it hurts." She said holding her stomach. I looked down and I saw blood, this damn woman ripped her stitches open. "DOCTOR!" I yelled throughout the hall and he came running. "What happened?" He asked going in and looking at her stomach. 

"She was crying and she must have overdone it and she ripped her stitches open and now she's bleeding." I said pacing around the room. "Taylor, I need you to calm down okay, you're hurting yourself more. I'm going to have to take you back in and re stitch you up okay?" The doctor said, she just kept crying and she nodded her head. 

"I love you Taylor and I'll be right here waiting for you okay?" I said grabbing her hand and she nodded, unable to speak. The wheeled her away and again, they wheeled her away from me, I can't get used to this feeling. I just can't.

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