Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello love's! Yes this is edited so please read! I've got a new Dansby story out called Bad Intentions, go on and give it some love! 

They came home last night after a devastating loss to the Marlins and all I've been getting is texts from Maci and Dansby asking if I'm okay. In all honesty, I'm not okay. Who would be after their boyfriend breaks up with them?

I was taken out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. I shook my head and wondered who it could possibly be. I went downstairs and looked through the peep hole, it was Freddie. 

Why was he here? I opened the door and smiled at him. "What are you doing here Freddie?" I asked as I let him into the apartment. He sighed and sat down on my couch. "I was sent to check on you by Dansby and Maci. They're worried about you." He said. 

I sighed and shifted on the couch. "I'm fine Freddie, Dansby just broke my heart, but I'm fine." I said trying to control my tears, but I couldn't. "Obviously you're not fine if you're crying right now, come here." He said pulling me into his arms and letting me cry it out. 

It was comforting but it was nothing like being in Dansby's arms. It was great to have someone there for me to help me through this rough time I was having. With the cancer and everything, it's been a rough week even though I got great news, I was still weary of when it will/might come back. 

"Thank you for being there for me Freddie, I really appreciate it." I said kissing his cheek and I swear I saw him blush. "Anytime Taylor, but just call and let Maci know you're alright. I'll tell Dansby you're fine, I know you don't want to talk to him right now." He said and I sighed. 

"I just want to know why he broke up with me. You know?" I said and he nodded and I saw him look at my arm and I tried to hide it, but he saw. "Why?" Was all he asked and I shook my head. 

"It was my escape after I found out I was free and I was always scared it would come back. I haven't cut myself since I was 16. But when Dansby broke up with me, something about it triggered the memories and I resorted to it again. I hate myself for it, but it made me feel better about everything." 

"Taylor, you can't do this to yourself. You're an amazing and beautiful girl, don't let something like this destroy you, especially not a boy." He said. I knew he was right, I couldn't keep doing this to myself, not over Dansby that is. 

"Look, come to the game tonight and sit in the suite with Chelsea and Charlie, go to our house and go to the game with her. If you're up for it, go see Dansby after the game and talk things out with him." He said. 

 I knew I had to talk to Dansby and I guess I needed to do it soon. "You got yourself a deal Freeman." I said and he smiled and got up and we said our goodbyes. I sighed and went up to my room to get ready. 

I sighed, I really didn't want to see him, but I knew I had to. I grabbed my keys and made my way over to the Freeman residence. Chelsea greeted me outside while putting Charlie in the car. 

On the way to the stadium we talked about what happened with Dansby and what I was going to say to him when we talked tonight. I was honestly dreading this game, but playing with Charlie throughout the game was going to make it better. 

The game went by quickly and I was starting to become anxious and nervous. They won 4-3 against the Mets and Dansby did so good and he looked so good, all I wanted to do was be in his arms again. 

I took a deep breath as we walked to the clubhouse where the guys were celebrating their win. As soon as Dansby came into view, butterflies erupted in my stomach like they did every time. He took a double take while looking at me and excused himself and made his way over to me. 

"Hey Taylor, you came." He said with a smile. I smiled and cleared my throat. "Yeah, we need to talk." I said not looking at him. "Alright, follow me." He said grabbing my hand and leading me up to the top of the stadium. 

"Wow, it's beautiful up here." I said as I sat down next to him. "Yeah I come up here all the time to get away from everything after the game." He said and I sighed and finally looked at him. 

"Why?" Was all I asked, I sounded like Freddie earlier. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know why I did it. It just came out, I will admit I had been drinking that night but never would I even expect those words to come out of my mouth. You know how I feel about you and you know I care about you and won't hurt you like the other guys did." He said. 

"But you did Dansby, you did hurt me like they did. I thought I was going to spend a long time with you, I thought I found the one and then you changed on me." I said letting the tears fall. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away so he couldn't. 

He sighed. "Taylor, I care about you so much. I never meant to hurt you like that. Freddie told me what you did. I'm sorry that I made you do that, I never meant to hurt you like that. I'm so sorry." He said and he was crying now too and that made me cry even more. 

"Dans, can you trust me? I would never do anything to hurt you, I'm not that kind of girl. I'm sure you've had other girls in the past that have used you and cheated on you, but I'm not like that. I'm the exact opposite of that. I'm broken and I need fixing and only you can do that. Only you can help me. I only want you Dansby." I was having a full on crying session right now in a public place, how cute. 

"Taylor, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that. I'll be there for you when you need me, even if I'm across the country playing a game, I'll be there for you. I care for you so much and I'd hate to see you leave. I'd kill myself if I ever lost you again." He said pulling me into the biggest hug I've ever gotten. 

"Can we go home now?" I asked and he nodded. "Did you drive here?" He asked as we were walking back to the clubhouse. "No, I came here with Chelsea." I said and he nodded. 

"My house or yours?" He asked as soon as we both got into his truck. I smiled and kissed him. "Yours." I said and he smiled. 

I've got my guy back and I couldn't be happier, but one thing is still in the back of my mind for the second chance with him. If he could leave me that easy in the first place, what makes me think that he won't hesitate to do it again?

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